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Shirtless/Bare-Chested Armors and Outfits for Males


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Which enclave power armor do you want? The following are in the NV BSAs;

MK II, pic;







Remnants power armor, pic;







Remnants Tesla armor, pic;







And then there is Gannon family which is (I think the same as the one above).


If you get back to me before this evening, I might have time to finish it today.

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OK here is a male and female ver of remnant's bottom with bare (ish) top. I cut the torso from the painspike armor and removed everything I could. However the left forearm on the male and some duct tape on the female (over the breasts) are left on. There was nothing under the males forearm so I couldn't delete it, and no nipples on the female version's texture so I left the duct tape. It has the right shader flags, and I split off a part of lower torso and applied a stencil to it (to save a minuscule bit of memory). It's possible from a very high angle you might be able to see through the inside of the legs, if that's the case let me know and I'll apply the stencil to the whole lower half.


Also if the duct tape and forearm bother you, you can search for a more appropriate model and I can cut and past the torso from it.


You didn't say if you wanted it packaged up as an armor or just the model done. If you need the armor ready to go in game, just shout and I'll set it up for you. If you just need the model and want to customize the armor to your liking your good to go.


It's here, but untested in game (kind of doing this in a rush before work).

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well this is way harder than i expected :) :) :)

First thing is to import a new skeleton for your armour:

  1. Make sure that on the Blender screen you see all the objects that form the armour, including the parts of the body that are not hidden by the armour, the PipBoyOn and PipBoyOff objects, and that you don't see anything that is not going to form part of your armour (like the light or the camera. If you see those objects move them to another Blender layer and set that layer to invisible or Blender will export those objects toghether with your armour).
  2. Make sure that you have deleted all the skeletons you imported with the parts of the body, as explained at the beginning of this tutorial.
  3. In Object mode select one of the objects that form part of your armour and press the A key twice so as to select all objects of the armour.
  4. Select the menu option File -> Import -> NetImmerse/Gamebyro and select the skeleton.nif file (it is in the folder \Data\Meshes\characters\_male\).
  5. In the screen that contains the importing parameters select the option Import Skeleton Only + Parent Selected as shown in picture Importing a new skeleton and press the OK button.

Now you have a skeleton in Blender and it is the parent of all the objects that form your armour.

To export the armour:

  1. in Object mode select the skeleton you've just imported and press A twice to select all parts of the armour and the skeleton.
  2. Press the Ctrl + A keys and select the option Scale and Rotation to ObData from the pop up menu.
  3. Keeping the skeleton and all the parts of your armour selected, select the menu option File -> Export -> NetImmerse/Gamebyro, enter the name of the nif file for your armour (for example MyArmour.nif) and the folder where you want to save it.
  4. Set the exporting parameters as shown in the picture Exporting the armour. It is important that the parameters are set like this:
    1. Fallout 3 -> selected
    2. Stripify geometries -> deselected
    3. Smoothen Inter-Object Seams -> deselected
    4. Flatten Skin -> selected
    5. Export Skin Partition -> selected
  5. Press the OK button and wait until Blender finishes saving the nif file.

so.... yeah. i'll be trying to figure that out all day! lemme know if you can add them in game lol

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Naw that's all done (well most of it, I don't think my settings are exactly as above). You just need to select teh model in the geck. Choose an existing armor form (I don't know what armor would be close to your beserker armor) and you can select teh models in the form. Then you can tweak various parts (like the sound profile, DT, value etc). Or if you can wait a few hours I can vpn into my computer and do it for you. If you want the latter option you should probably tell me the details as you want them edited.

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