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Idea/Questions: Every follower can Join the Dark Brotherhood


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Big post, broke it into sections for you:



I've started tinkering with the Creation Kit. My idea is due to the fact at my character is an evil murderer/assassin and I really want a follower to be the same. I don't, however, want to add a bunch of non-stock characters to the game. I like the idea of my character meeting a follower in game and then seducing them to the dark side of the force. The big idea would be to create a mod that allows for some simple dialog, maybe after you murder some people, where they have an ethical debate and your intimidation or persuasion is checked to see if you can win them over to being a blood-slinging psychopath. At which point they would become like a Dark Brotherhood Initiate, while retaining as many of their own perks as possible. I don't want to use Amazing Follower Perks or whatever addons are out there. They add a lot of additional features, some of them a little too god-modeish for what I'm doing, but I will consider it if anyone can tell me that they solve the problem outlined below.



Enter Aela The Hunter. I picked her because she already sneaks and doesn't set off traps. She's pretty attractive and the claw woad just looks wicked when she's wearing a hood. I've been tinkering with her Actor file, but I've run into problems. I've tried the following:

*changing morality to Any Crime

*Removing all factions and adding her to the same factions that DB Initiates are in

*Checkmarking "do not report members for crimes"

*Adding my relationship with the actor to her Relationship tab

*Removing the AIPackage files and adding the same ones the DB Imitates use

*Removing anything I could see as a script that might control her from her actor profile


At first,when I would murder a guard, she would drop from my service and openly attack me. After making all of these changes, she may attack me but she'll be willing to join my service again as long as I talk to her. Unfortunately, she still drops from my service and sometimes it starts getting really buggy.


The problem is, I want her to NEVER leave my service in response to me committing the worst crimes imaginable. (God, that sounds awful) We should be able to go on a guard murdering spree together without the fear that as soon as I waylay one of them she'll drop service and start beating me up.


My question then is two fold: What mechanism controls the 'leaves your service' function: the follower's attributes or an external crime script? It's looking more and more like it's not a matter of the Follower's disposition, but a repercussion of having committed a specific crime. Does anyone know what scripts control the repercussions to a crime? Maybe we can look at those.


Interested in your thoughts and feedback.

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