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Companion Upgrade


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Dear Master-Moders,

still playing Fallout 3 and New Vegas alternately, one of the most exciting MODs is the female Companion Brooke and Ami.


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These ladies, installed via 'Brooke_Companion_-_Version_6_OriginalExnem_BB_Version-11078', provide much more erotic moments, then the general 'Animated Pros'-stuff. However, I fell so much in love with them, that I would very much appreciate to have some of the 'animated prostitution-functions' available for just my companions -

in other words: i would like to have sex with them...

I could imagine, that this is not a new idea and has been brought up already - but I didn't try to find it in these 100's of files.

Please let me know if such a Mod might exist - or if anyone has an idea how to implement this out of excisting mod's??


Many thanks in advance



Edited by papillion33
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Dear Master-Moders,

still playing Fallout 3 and New Vegas alternately, one of the most exciting MODs is the female Companion Brooke and Ami.

These ladies, pimpt-up with Body replacer and sex dresses, allow much more erotic moments, then all the

'Animated Pros'-stuff.

However, I fell so much in love with them, that I would very much appreciate to have some of the animated

prostitution-functions available for just my companions.

I gould imagine, that this is not a new idea and has been brought up already - but I didn't try to find it in these 100's of files.

Please let me know if such thing might exist - or if it's just too absurd to ask for it...


Many thanks in advance




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