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dakon7202020 - BANNED

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dakon7202020 banned.




Reason for the ban

Scam advertising in the chat.



Hello everyone I'm here on behalf of Gameview, we are the Team that was Given permission to work on Skyrim:Remastered PS4,XBOX ONE,PC and we are looking for 5 Modders with Amazing Mods that would fit into the Remastered version,Please PM this Account to Enter your Mod.



Not Advertising or i would have posted more i'm just trying to find 5 Modders who would like there mod to feature in the Game



I do not care what you say since you are not the ones we answer too plus Mod are unable to work on the Remastered Version thats why we are trying to find 5 to take with us to be Remembered,We already have the Creator of falaskar and wyrmstooth. Also Bethesda dropped the project and also said they will not be helping us I have the Emails to prove it So again if there are Any modders who would like there Mod featured and memorialized in the Xbox /


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