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Debuff stucked


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Hi, i'm playing Dragon Age - Ultimate Edition. Its all fine, until morrigan asks me for grimouare, i talked with Flemeth, she transformed dragon, and everything starts there. it spit fire, and knock me down, but debuff timers doesnt tick. i used cheats, and finally its dead by its own attack (smt like fireball) , but even after dead, my debuffs are still intact in my main character, i used others to teleport to camp. but even if in camp, he is still knocked, i travelled to elven area, and finally knock down effect is over, but "Fire spit" is still intact, i tried to cast dispel, anti-magic shield etc to him, but nothing works, still says Fire Spit - Remaining 7 seconds. I'm on fire even in camp.









is there anyway to remove that fire spit ? mods, scripts, anything fine or should i use cheat to keep my hero alive ?? Please tell me something :( its really irrritating.

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