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Possible to make a Custom Spell an Enchantment?


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There's a custom spell made in this Thread called Detect Hostility, is it possible to make it an Enchantment? I've tried creating New Enchantment but I can't get Magnitude to "Ungrey" so I can enter a number in the Field, not sure what causes the Magnitude to be usable as in Detect Life.


Also what is the Type EFSH, see it in the Details but not familiar with this category?



Thanks or any help. :)

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For enchantments, it is not possible to set a "magnitude" for a script effect. What you could do instead is make an Ability spell with the range/magnitude you want and then script an item to add that spell when equipped and remove it when unequipped. The script would look something like:



scn DetectHostilityAbilityAddScript

Begin OnEquip Player

Player.AddSpell DHAbiltySpell


Begin OnUnequip Player

Player.RemoveSpell DHAbiltySpell



That way, you would still be able to detect hostility whenever you equipped the item in question.


I'm not sure about EFSH, but I assume it stands for Effect Shader.

Edited by The_Vyper
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