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What are some good mods?


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Your more then welcome try mine out. Its still a WIP (work in progress) But I added some new items to the game. The first is a still that you can purchase, and make your own alcohol. The second is a bbq grill, that works like a campfire. And I'm gonna be putting quests in, but not there yet. Its a huge layout though.




I would get some crafting mods, I use about 3 of em.

1 chemistry, 1 food, 1 weapon ammo.


The recover shell casing mod is a good one. 50% or something.


This is kewl player home in Novac.



and this is nie for starting character



But theres hundreds of player homes, just search in buildings.


There 1000's of weapon mods. Knock yourself there.


I modified every mod I get to make things more difficult for me. And thats really the key though. Even under hardcore mode the game is to easy for me, but when I get emersed, I play the wasteland to the hilt. Grab geck and make some changes. Makes the game exactly the way you want it.



and cheers

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Hey. I'm new to mods in FNV. Just wanna know some good or fun mods to use.

More details would be helpful.... taken from my copy/paste for these topics on the Oblivion forums:


What sort of things interest you?

What type of Character do you usually play? (good/evil, theif/mage, roleplayer/random-no-story-hack-and-slasher?)

Are there specific types of mods you think would interest you? (Quests, graphic mods, gameplay mods, overhauls, etc.)

What did you not like about NV? What did NV not have or need more of?

Male or female character?


EDIT: I mean I guess I can give me load order. The bolded ones are the ones that I really really like:




Tales from the Burning Sands.esm



More Perks.esm

Brahmin Bess.esm

More Traits.esm

Project Nevada - Core.esm


drgNV - Melissa Companion.esm



RX-Auto Incremental Save.esp




IIWR 2.1.0.esp


Wasteland Defense.esp



Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp

Crafting Material Organizer.esp


CONELRAD 640-1240.esp


Goodsprings Filler.esp

The New Bison Steve Hotel.esp

Identity Crisis Part I - Silent Struggle V2.esp





More Perks Update.esp

More Traits Update.esp


Decrucifixion - More Victims.esp


Mojave Express Expansion.esp




Faction Armor Converted to Non Faction.esp

Lucky Lighter.esp



Brahmin Companion.esp

Extra Characters - Fiends Quest ENABLED.esp

Max Followers 12.esp



Identity Crisis Part 2 - Long Night.esp





Reactive People - Ultimatum.esp



Total active plugins: 59

Total plugins: 61



Edited by JCP768
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I'm still on my first playthough. I usually go good on my first. On my second playthrough I'd go as myself or become evil. I play on very hard and it's fine for me, how's hardcore? I don't have much mods. But, I wanna tryout Project Nevada and this stutter remover to help improve my FNV performance. My computer is old and bad =/ I get around 28-30 fps, playing windowed 800x600... TT


Oh, and can someone please tell me how to properly install and use NVSE?

Edited by DonKeyy
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Of course I'd recommend my own New Vegas Replayability by Dandys




it's an all-around overhaul mod that doesn't require any others (in fact is best played without any others)


it doesn't require NVSE or any of that


it doesn't have any files of its own that you have to move to your data folder and are hard to uninstall


just an .esp and you are ready to go


anyway that's my recommendation

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nVamp will make the game very challenging and add lots of enemies and A.I's are smarter, but you'll be dying like every 5 minutes because bullets are more like real ones and your pc is named 50 cent.


For quests look up anything involving a modder named Pucemoose


for looks, look up type 3 for better female bodies, and breezes/roberts for better male bodies, and try all the Beware of girl mods.


try Lings for hair and eyes or Project Mikoto


Underground Hideout is the best house mod out there.


RTS (Real time Settler) or Wasteland Defense are interesting.


For the rest just do these instructions

  • Browse Categories
  • Pick which type of mod your looking for (Weapons, Models/Textures, Quests, etc.)
  • At the type is the listing order and the default settings are like "name" and "asc" or "ascending"
  • Change those settings to "downloads" and "descending"
  • Click "ok"


What that does is list the most downloaded mods first, which usually are good mods (not including mods like Sex blah blah), others will say you should go with what has the most endorsements but a lot of users will either forget to endorse or don't care. So then just pick and chose.


Also try going through the Image Share and finding mods that way.

Edited by simplywayne90
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Basically, if you look through the top 100 lists (adult or non adult) you'll find the best.


I totally agree with the above statement. Check here: Top Mods


Whatever mods you will like best are going to be mainly a personal preference; however, anything you see on these lists that looks cool to you is also going to be one of the best available.


If you still don't see anything that catches your eye you can also try here: Mod Categories but it can be arduous to go through them this way, there are so many.

Edited by drakeelvin
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