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Fallout new vegas Game issues with mods.


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Now my game is modded with several different mods as ive install amazing mods for some reason several things happen and I cant seem to pin point why first, off I have red boxes that appear when I get near areas with the rhino weaponry(revolver, rifle, and the mnk gauss pistol I believe), but it could be other mods, but it seems to happen when I enter areas with them also this causes every other mod I have to crash such as body mods weapon mods and I have no clue why. The last, I have text squashing and a weird border around menus and text boxes, so as I played I checked out darn UI at a workbench and and ammo bench and found that all the recipes were squashed at the top left corner and some weird brown and yellow border( somewhat stylistic from A fallout 3 UI mod). With the first issues more monster mods work, flora overhaul and everything works even some of the game dlc weapon textures mess up!(I don't know about armor yet) Please some if you can please help with this also on my load out add Project Brazil to it cause I forgot to add it in real quick and thanks to anyone who can help.

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The red boxes mean there's missing textures/meshes and the engine can't draw whatever you're asking it to draw - if you added custom weapon, armor, etc mods they will need their textures and meshes (or associated bsas), not just an esp, to work. The UI problems it's tough to say without a screenshot, but you likely misconfigured a UI mod or have multiple things conflicting. Overall I think the easiest solution at this point is to completely uninstall New Vegas, and start over. Instead of just trying to install every mod you've ever seen all at once, go one at a time until you get the game to where you'd like it, and that will also help you pinpoint which mods are potentially problematic (not all mods are created equal, and some will conflict with each other, some just don't work very well, etc). I would also suggest using LOOT to sort your load order as you re-install the game.

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