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CK Editing Skill Advance

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Is it possible to make unarmed combat advance in any skill tree? I feel like a complete idiot I made an entire unarmed perk tree for one handed to find out that isn't even possible.... I am such a noob, is there nothing I can do outside of making a weapon with no model, or changing my perk tree to maybe light armor and making some gloves? To me that just seems kind of the exact opposite of "Unarmed Combat" to require an item of any kind. Just curious.

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In SkyRe there was an "unarmed" weapon.


To make it less like a weapon (and more like an extension of self) you can do the following:


Make it weightless and zero value.

Give it to player when the mod is installed using a script.

Attach an event to it so if the player drops it or moves it back into a container, it automatically goes back into player's inventory.

You can attach a message saying "Unarmed is not an object and therefore you can not drop it".

Edited by gezegond
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Yeah I may have no choice. I was hoping to figure out a way to script and OnHit Event. Making it so that an attack with the weapon type Unarmed will do a player.advskill onehanded command. I have most of the parts I need, I just lack the experience to put it together in a way that makes it work. Thank you for your help though.

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