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the jarls jousting tournament with spectators? at least the jarl should be watching ...anyway

make a place outside a major city..like whiterun (or whatever) where the player can enter the tournament

and win gold and prizes

as well as a band of rouge knights on the roads who wont let you cross some bridges...without a joust 1st

this may take 2 or 3 times before you knock them off there horse and finish them off with hand to hand combat


what is your favorit color?...red...NO! BLUE!! ....AHHHHHHHHH! lol


ok so jousting is the main atraction but also have like...

~archey 1 on 1 competition.... or score points on the targets and win gold or somthing...

~sword fighting 1 and 2 hand styles

~lots of traders selling custom armor and weapons and enchanted magick stuff

~followers for hire or whatever

~horse stable with armored horses for sale

~ sexy dancing girls (optional)

or and adult version with prostitution lol...

and anything else you can think of and or is possible to make...


some of this stuff is already out there just need permission from mod authors to use it

i can make meshes and textures ...if that will help

this all came to me as i type jousting...

so thats my story and im sticking to it....

whatcha think?

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I kind of like the Idea.


I wouldn't include the rogue knights because that would just feel a little to Pokemon.


The sexy dancing girls would be a little out of place.


The prostitution isn't out of place actually,prostitutes were normal in the medieval times.I am more for a black screen when you pay them though,similar to a mod already on the Nexus.


The rest is fairly easy to do (If you get permission for the custom models)

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Ignore the pokemon comment. Regardless of whether I like the idea or not the reality is is that it isn't an accurate or fair comparison and to defend it as such opens up to so many bigger problems. Dancing girls? If Fen is arguing historical accuracy I would have to first point out that this was a thing in reality and then I would have to point out that the Elder Scrolls has its own reality with its own history. Then I'd have to point out that if we're arguing authenticity and reality, we're talking about a nation in the middle of a civil war.

This all said, I imagine a lot of people would like it. I'm not one of them, personally, but I'd be happy to see it a thing. I'd even be willing to help out a bit as limited as my skills are. If anything I would just say don't let people get you down about your mod ideas. Fallout 4 is coming out soon and the Skyrim modding community will see its biggest resistance yet when that happens so mod strong and hard.

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I didn't try to tear his Idea apart,I just wanted to say what I like/don't like about his Idea.


I like everything about this Request,just that Rogue Knights would feel a bit to game-y.




I said that the prostitutes would be realistic and the dancing girls probably too,but I don't want them to look not lore-friendly,and I just know people would give them armour that is totally out of place.

Edited by Fenryr3001
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Rogue Knights I mean like your in the wilderness and theres a knight \bandit on horseback waiting there..

so there would be a display screen asking do you expect the challenge?

hit yes after you equip your custom lance ..witch will need animation for riding with it..i think..and using your mouse to aim it at his head..lol or shield but wont make it easy...

and shield and charge him few times until you unhorse him ..it

could end it like that or finish him in hand to hand is can happen ramdomly

I would love to make this myself but I ju

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what mean is that not only in the arena at the tournament

but outside in skyrim

ramdom rouge knights\and or bandits but bandits are not likely a jousting sort ...anyway ..they would be

on horseback all armored up with his squire holding his flag\colors sidgle? whatever

waiting in open feild or a camp site for a joust

and when you get close enough ..but still far a way

becuase you need a good runing start before you joust


a screen pops up asking you do you except" sir lands alot"... lol, whatever name is... challenage? hit "yes or no"

then you would equip your custom lance and get onto postion


if you want to be real about it

Jousting is a martial game or hastilude between two horsemen each wielding a lance with a blunted tip, often as part of a tournament.


The primary aim is to replicate a clash of heavy cavalry, with each opponent endeavoring to strike the opponent with the lance while


riding towards him at high speed, if possible breaking the lance on the opponent's shield or jousting armour, or unhorsing him.


The winner being the person who accumulates


the most points - not only during the match but also over the course of the tournament:

+1 point for a hit that does not break the tip of the lance.

+2 points for a hit that breaks the tip of the lance.

+3 points for a hit that shatters the tip of the lance into several or multiple fragments



its all here



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The biggest issue with this whole idea is the jousting part..unless you can get an experienced animator to make the required jousting animation and then integrate it over the vanilla mounted combat which is already rather shoty, otherwise this will never make it off the ground. I wanted to do something similar in my own mod with mounted cavalry but realistically the implementation would be very difficult.

Nearly everything else could be easily done however.

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yes animations...well just got back from unhorsing my follower... I got a good long way from him and waited until

he got in range I shot with an arrow he fell off his horse and didn't die he got back on and I did it again and

killed him so that's 1 down

equip and unequip we ll make 1 and run the other backwards


so theres idle with lance and attack on horseback is really all is need ....or Im I missing something?


I use a warhammer and when I hold down the attack key


holds the position arm out wait to swing

so that can be the lance that ..like a 15 degree angle or something and poke him off the hose


dose that sound possible?

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I'm admittedly not educated enough on the subject to really be asking this but wouldn't SKSE make this possible? I seem to recall poking around in it somewhere in an attempt to use it with mods and am pretty sure I saw at least some things that would make this possible.

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