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Anyone write music?


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Very nice music! I haven't listened to much Metallica, but I knew that this sounded like them from the beginning. ;)


The first song has a really good guitar part. I love the solo that runs all the way through the song, and the rhythm of the other guitar and drums solidify that sound beautifully. I've heard other music that relies far too much on the guitar solos and it makes the music sound... empty. I'm glad you filled it up with good riffs and beats. On the second song, I absolutely love the keyboard and guitar parts. The keyboard was just beautiful in this track. Personally, I don't really think it went along with the "eerie" theme you're trying to convey, but that's not really an issue with it. It's a beautiful piece and very well-written. The keyboard part in the last song was also very beautiful, but it had that eerie theme to it as well, which made it fit in very well with the other songs. The guitar in this piece was very nice too.


These songs kind of remind me of a game called Sauerbraten I used to play. These would make great additions to that soundtrack, let me tell you. :D


As a musician and guitarist myself, I can really appreciate what you've done here. I do write a lot of music, but truth be told, I've never actually finished a song... I have so many under development at one time, and can only focus on one at a time, or else the themes and basic sound might spill over from one into the other and ruin the whole mix. I find it very hard to devote myself to one thing at once, which is why I probably have around 20 songs to juggle around right now. I also, unfortunately, have no way to record anything. No microphone, nothing. But as soon as I can do that and finish something, I'll let you know right away. My music is hugely influenced by Rammstein, just as a forewarning... don't expect a ton of solos. They're fun to play, to be sure, but they just aren't my style. ;)


Anyway, sorry to ramble. Thank you very much for sharing. You have a ton of potential and I want to see more of your works soon.

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Fatalmasterpiece - I respect your opinion on Superior Drummer. VSTi's can't do everything. SD2.0 does what I need it to do, so far... but we'll see. I do like to get creative with my beats in case you didn't notice... :) What are you trying to pull off that can't be done? One thing I feel that it is missing is full control over the cymbals... say you want to hit a cymbal then mute it, well... sure there are some predefined mutes you can use, but you have no control on when the mute occurs. It hasn't been much of an issue for me just yet. I'm checking out the tunes on your band's MySpace page... this stuff is great! The production quality could be improved a bit, but some of that could be MySpace's fault... the music rocks nonetheless.


CommanderCrazy - Thank you for listening and the comment! I write everything by hand using a bunch of different softsynths, so sampled would be the correct answer. I do not use loops, as I feel using loops is lame. I want to create everything by hand, so it truly feels like my creation.


TheSwedishPancake - Thanks for listening and the comments! I know what it's like to never finish a song. I've been there done that so many times. I have hundreds of song ideas that never gave birth to a song, and I also have a lot of songs I've written over the years. I only recently bought better software (early last year) and really consider my latest stuff as being worthy of anything. I used to program everything by hand in a really old 16-bit crappy MIDI program and utilize SoundFonts until 2007. Funny you mention Rammstein because they are one of my alltime favorite bands and I consider them to be an influence of mine as well. Solos can be great but I also don't consider them to be the be all and end all. In "Into the Darkness" the lead guitars are there to supplement the dark/eerie atmosphere and not to stand out melodically at all. In "Unnatural Disturbance", again, the lead is there to add more of an atmospheric element than to stand out on it's own. Since my original post, I came up with three new song ideas... however, I'm hitting that brick wall where I don't know where to go next. Sometimes I can create a song so quickly, and other times I just lie stagnant. "Into the Darkness" was written in one weekend from start to finish. The only thing that was changed since then was swapping out the guitars for Electri6ity and swapping out Battery 3 for Superior Drummer 2.0, and of course some mixing and mastering. Everything else stayed the same.


Here's a link to a couple other songs I wrote:


The Voyage - I originally wrote this back in 2001. I am going to include this on the Surreal Nightmares album as a bonus track because it doesn't quite fit the theme or backstory. The Voyage is supposed to be about a wicked space journey. I am going to totally rework this song, however, and make it progressive. Right now it follows a more traditional pattern and also lacks any real direction. The lead guitar that I added I threw together in about an hour. The performance needs to be tweaked and also the tone. I don't quite like the tone and feel that at a couple times during the performance, it gets a little harsh. Some of the drum fills also need work. I converted this song over to the new software and made a ton of tweaks and rushed things a bit too much, and never went back to complete the job.


The Journey Begins - This song is purely orchestral with ambience and some synth. I am working on a sci-fi novel called "Legends of Graylam" and I am writing music to go with the story. This is the first part of the story and I have not written any more music since. I wrote this back in 2007 and have yet to make further progress on the novel as well. Too much stuff is going on... not enough time. I plan to replace my current orchestral software with better software, although the software I want is about $900... needless to say I don't have the money for it currently. So eventually this song will be rewritten. It suffers from some performance, mixing and mastering issues that I never bothered to address. I will address those issues in the rework.

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Dude, I know that brick wall feeling, I'm more of a writer. I write short stories, poems, and am working on a novel. It's hard work and at some points it's like you just don't know where to go from there. Like the work just dead ends. But, same as TheSwedishPancacke, I cannot seem to focus on one project at one time. So I have like 7 different stories and that novel I'm juggleing around. It must be a lot of work. But I know that brick wall feeling all too well my friend. :) Anyway, great job on the songs. I've never really tryed to compose a song before. I just guess that it has something to do with my zero knowledge of instruments and audio editing software.
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