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I pray to the holy lord satan; sacrificing a new baby cat every time I load up NV, hoping and praying to his evilness that the game will get past the Bethesda screen in loading. I have uninstalled a good portion of my favorite mods and installed NVAC in hopes it would help. It helped greatly, yesterday, but now today I couldn't get it to work again. I redownloaded NVMM and now the game wont even open without crashing. I am in the process of reinstalling it for the 4th time since I bought it for PC (I got it a week ago). I don't know if I just need NVSE to get the mods to work better or something, but even there I downloaded it correctly and all files that require it still say its not installed. I love fallout past all reason, but its rather demoralizing to never know how many hours will be wasted just to load the game; valuable time away from bounties and gambling.

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