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NifSkope help


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I need help removing the NiVertxColorProperties block from nifs. It seems that I cannot remove these blocks without the game crashing. I have tried to remove these blocks even after adding them myself. I can't figure out how to get rid of these. There are some meshes that I need to remove this block from that I cannot. I have tried to set the properties of the block to every possible combination, but it doesn't look how I want it to in my game.


Any help will get kudos,





I have seen all the documentation on both wikis and searched here for a more comprehensive guide to NifSkope and can only get the basics. Anybody that can link to a good, in depth tutorial on NifSkope will get kudos too

Edited by theuseless
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I'm not familiar with the use of NiVertxColorProperties, but usually if you simply remove a record with NifSkope it will leave a Null Entry somewhere, and in some cases (I know it from animation data) you have to remove the structure which contains the Null, or reduce the list, which now contains a Null entry.


Just a gues.

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