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Can't edit package in CS


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Each time i want to edit a package, NPC or monster, in the AI box or in the package menu, my CS crash.

i can create a package, but not edit an already made.

i have Steam version of oblivion and OBSE 0021 beta.

i also use the CS extender, but it crash also if i don't use OBSE to launch it.


is there anybody who have an idea to fix that?


Edit: i use Windows 7, but i have also XP on my PC, and i have no issue if i use the CS on XP.

Edited by Rebel O Conner
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Been there. There are a couple issues with Windows 7 that affect CS The first one is that the default installation folder for games (Program Files x86) is protected by UAC, User Account Control. The best way to get around that is to move your Steam installation to a folder it doesn't interfere with. That will also solve the second issue, which is that Windows 7 will try to move files into virtual store and it sometimes does not tell you when it does that. That crashes CS when you try to use a file it moved.


Thanks to bben for this link on how to move the Steam install without having to reinstall anything at all. Here it is:



It works. Steam will do a very short update of the Steam app, but your game, mods and saves will be fine. No reinstalling of the game or mods.


C:\Games\Oblivion is the place most people move it. Create folder if necessary.

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