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Silly quest idea: All the silver in Skyrim!


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In Complete Crafting Overhaul, you can use the smelter to smelt down weapons, armor and miscellaneous items to corresponding ingots (there are also separate mods for the same thing), so Elven gear into moonstones, Orcish gear into orichalcum ingots, etc. What makes this useful is pretty obvious, but the biggest perk in my opinion is you can collect all the silver tableware you find (you can get everything in Dragonsreach for free once you've aided Farengar), and get silver ingots to craft buttloads of jewelry, leveling up your smithing through the roof. And silver weapons too, if that's what you want.


This gave me an idea. Since silver as a weapon material is extra effective against undead, vampires included, wouldn't it be an advantage to them if they had all the silver for themselves so no one could use it against them?

I'm thinking there could be a new, voice acted NPC in Castle Volkihar that gives you a quest (not a misc quest, a real one), to find literally all the silver in Skyrim, so the court's enemies won't have access to any of it. So all the silver ore, ingots, jewelry, weapons and tableware in all of Skyrim will be deliverd to him. He rewards you with coin depending on the amount you bring him, and when the quest is completed, he gives you a special reward (weapon, jewelry, armor, spell or power? I don't know, but it does of course need to be worth the effort).

I think all the aforementioned silver items need to have their random generating and respawning disabled, so the game has a set amount (still a f*ck ton though, of course). Don't know if that's possible, but it would make it completable at least. And even if it is possible, who knows if this crazy idea actually gets made, right?

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