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Function that returns the EditorID name of a reference?


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Is there a function that returns the unique editorID name of a reference in the world?

For example,if I place an actor in the world and I name it ActorRef01,can I use some sort of function that returns "ActorRef01" when called?

GetSelf doesn't return "ActorRef01" for me...

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There's more than a way to retrieve a reference, based by the situations. For example GetSelf returns the ref ID when called inside an object script attached to the ref itself, or on a spell casted on the ref. Or you can retrieve the reference who's activating something with GetActionRef. Etc.etc.

If you provide more details on what you are doing, maybe I could provide more help in the script itself.

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Thanks for the answer but I already resolved this problem...Actually,all I needed was the ActorRef01 ref ID to be used in any object script.So ActorRef01.GetSelf did it for me.


Now I have another small question,how can I return the NPC type in a script?For example,if I spawn any Fiend in the world,how can I check if it is actually a Fiend?I mean,we have a lot of Fiend Base IDs in Geck (1EFiendViolet,Fiend1GunHMNV,SpawnOVSewerFiend2Rifle,...and the list continues on and on...) how can I categorize the NPC as a Fiend in a script ?

Something like [insert fiend npc ref].IsFiend


[insert Jackal npc ref].IsJackal

Is it possible?

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