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4 gig patch not working? I'm at a loss...


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I've been trying to get a small modlist of just better cities with OOO and UL going and nothing else. No QTP3 or any texture mods. For some reason I always crash right around 1.6gb of memory usage in the task manager, and it's about five minutes at best before I crash.

I've found this just now from a few years ago:

Can anyone confirm if patching all of these files is completely useless or completely necessary to avoid crashing on a decently modded game? The 4 gig patch doesn't seem to do anything for me when I patch Oblivion.exe and Obse_loader.exe. Some people are saying patching a .dll doesn't make any sense, but all this is from years ago anyway so I don't know if it's outdated or what. Can anyone confirm from their own experience if this really does help or not? Or anyone have any idea why this 4 gig patch doesn't seem to be working at all?

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It has been confirmed by expert programmers in this site: patching dll is totally useless, as the 4Gb flag is completely ignored in those files. You only need to patch Oblivion.exe.

The 4Gb patch surely help, especially if you have more than 4Gb and a 64bit OS (else, the improvement is limited and sometimes not even noticeable).


About the crash, it may not depend on the memory. Oblivion should be able to reach ~2Gb before crashing without patch, even more if with the patch.

The cause could be the engine, the mods or even your hardware/drivers/OS.

The Oblivion engine is not very stable and was made to support mods and more content/scripts but there's a limit. Adding mods (especially complex or heavy ones) make it worse. Both UL and OOO are complex and heavy mods which impact performance and also stability. More Gb won't save you from crash when the engine is "over encumbered" and give up at random times.

Also, there are mods which have bugs, edit something they shouldn't or conflict with other mods. They are likely to cause random crash.

Other mods instead help by fixing bugs (even in the engine) or by reducing the memory/cpu usage (mainly: UOP, OR, OSR and some low quality textures/meshes replacers).

Finally, installation order, load order and read the readme play a decisive role.


My suggestions:

- Read the readme/manual and the comments sections for all your mods to find about any requirement, conflict, bug or crash report.

- Check all your installed mods: you could find mods you don't really need in your game and some of them may introduce problems.

- Sort your mods with BOSS (very important!!!!!).

- Use Wrye Bash as mod manager to install the packages and to build the Bashed Patch (which solve many conflicts and avoid many CTD).

- Install mods like OR and OSR which improve FPS and stability.

- Keep your mods updated to the latest versions, as authors may release some updates which fix that particular bug which cause problems.

- Ensure your drivers are up to date. Eventually, you could test the game and all mods on another computer to ensure your computer is ok.


By following these suggestions, you may be able to run a full mod list with many heavy mods like OOO and UL, and still retain a decent stability (1 or more consecutive hours without CTD).


If you have doubts, post your load order (and your OBSE plugins too).

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