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Missing Eyes and weird Dark Eyes.


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Usually this problem is caused by conflicting eye meshes. There are several different eye meshes used by modders of Oblivion. All of them have their fans. If you have cosmetic packages you probably got custom eyes with those. Some custom races also come with these packages. There is a feature of Wrye Bash which will attempt to sort conflicting eyes and hair. It has limits but usually helps. If this problem just developed it is likely the newest cosmetic or race file(s) you downloaded might have come with custom eyes that caused this conflict.



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For a replacement of your hair/eye mod...




Link for the largest hair/eye compilation I know of. Works with vanilla characters only at this point. No current support for custom races but the guy working on it is looking into custom race support. You need to make sure you're not using other hair/eye mods though, this most likely already has them contained within the merge. Any hair that is missing are being worked on right now so the 1.6 release should have most if not all known hair mods with it.

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