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Vault 105 - A WIP


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A general update on the mod :)


first up: Still working on it. we're at something like six months of progress now, slow going, but that's mostly down to other things in my life...like job-hunting, finishing my degree, etc.

I've got my Bachelor's degree in Games Development and AI (a BSc for those wondering) and its just job-hunting on my plate atm so I have a LOT more time on my hands.

with that in mind, I've been going crazy with character design and conversation stuff.

current NPC lineup:

Carl - Front-man for the vault - the guy who you meet first :P

Security chief Rogers - head of security in the vault

Graham and Sarah - Father-daughter team who run a restaurant on the concourse.

Martin - general Handyman around the vault, can repair your stuff, possibly will have a few generic fetch-quests (thinking along the lines of bringing him electronic parts and supplies to help with the maintenance)

Barbara - ex boomer, sells weapons and ammo.

Larson - A Robobrain vendor, sells robots of various types. guarded by Gary, a Sentry bot security guard.

? - Junk Vendor, haven't started on him yet, but he'll be in the concourse too.

? - another vendor, not sure what to do with this one, any suggestions are welcome. I'm currently thinking an armor and apparel vendor.

Doctor Ryan - the vault's head doctor, heals you, removes addictions and rads. sells medical supplies. found in the upper clinic.


that's it for the two cells which are complete enough for NPCs :P

other stuff I've been working on:

The robot vendor stuff mostly, I had to find a way to control any number of robots without having them as named entities. ie, spawning as many as I want and being able to give them orders without it applying to all of them at once. I hit on the idea of using an object in their inventories which toggles on whether they use the follow package or wait where they are. added or removed via conversation with them :) seems to work very well. I'm using a renamed duplicate of the pipboy wrist-unit as a base object, its not visible in inventories. only visible in the console when you use .inv on the robot.

the vendor currently sells:


Mr Gutsys

Sentry Bots (MG variant only atm, I'll add the option to choose variants later)

and Mr Fatso, the unique upscaled and upgunned protectron companion.


prices are large, but not unfeasible, a protectron retails at 6000 caps, Mr Fatso is most expensive at 17500 caps.

works well with New Vegas Bounties since the money you get from the bounties will easily bring you up to that sort of range. also works well with the NVTrade Center.


I'm still playing with the layout for the vault proper, I'm trying to avoid making it too spread-out since its starting to get laggy with too many lights, so I have a more compact version of one of the cells to see how that works out...when I'm happy with the trade concourse (which is thankfully self-contained as an area) I'll devote some more time to the vault itself.

Current list of rooms to include:


Surface Building

Exterior area - 95% - probably a little more to be done with navmeshing, but otherwise I'm happy.

Entry room - 95% - a little more clutter, some more work on Carl's dialog tree, its a little messy.

Stairwell - 90% - cluttering to do. perhaps a service-elevator of some form should be added.


Vault Entrance Cell

Entrance hall - done

Secure Armoury for the security teams - 50%. literally, one side is done, the other is not.

Trade Concourse - 66% done roughly. a couple more NPCs to add, at least one more stall to build. a bit more work on pretty much everything really. plus some more dialog there.

Excursion Room - 90% - this room is a locker room with a bent towards teams going out into the "unlivable" wastelands of post-apocalypse america. somewhat disused. I'll clutter it a little more and I think it'll be done.

Upper Clinic - 90% - a clinic put in place to serve the traders and mercs who visit the vault without them having to be brought down into the vault proper. its store-room needs a little more work, plus a little more script work on one or two characters there.



Everything to follow is either not done, or partially laid out unless otherwise stated.


Communal Areas - various degrees of layout due to having multiple versions available.

Cafe/Diner - Laid out, partial navmesh, no clutter

Clinic - cluttered, no navmesh, essentially finished.

Supply Shop - no progress

Cigar Lounge - Complete

Overseer's Office

Overseer's Quarters

Electronics Room

Bathrooms - Male and Female




Living Quarters A - Laid out, but not navmeshed, cluttered or much else. still some work on alignments of parts to do.

Lounge (with pool-table)

Library in the Galley. - questline to bring prewar books to the librarians

Individual rooms x8. each room consists of a bedroom and a front-room.

Bathrooms for Male and Female


Laboratory Level - not started

Main Laboratory

Weapons Lab - unique weapons ? some quests might come from here.

Manufactorum - builds weapons, robots, armor, everything the vault needs

Testing Chambers - (standard FEV style chambers, albiet clean)


Utility Level - laid out partly

Utility Office

Reactor Room

Deep Storage


All in all, feeling pretty good about progress so far.

Six months since I started, I have two largely completed cells and a plan for quite a bit more, I've learnt a LOT doing this.

now that my major time-commitments are out of the way, I'll have a lot more time for this project, so expect a fair few more updates in the coming weeks.

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  • 1 month later...

Returning to Vault 105 after a hiatus working on Mad Science....


Loads of work done today.

Finished the Vendor Dialog for Larson, Larson now sells Protectrons, Gutsys, Both kinds of Sentry bot and the unique Mr Fatso companion.

Fixed the AI package stuff for the robots, so they now actually follow orders and no longer attack everyone who isn't actually in their faction.

Additional questline dialog added for Chief Rogers


Figured out levelled Character lists properly and implemented six different NPC variants on Vault dwellers, and six more for visiting wastelanders. should work quite well ingame.


Added dialog-trigger boxes affecting Carl and Chief Rogers for the first time you meet them.

Laid out the Apparel Shop, Fixed the character appearance for the Apparel Vendor.

Implemented a levelled-list for Vault Tokens, added them to various characters throughout the vault as loot.


Added a Brahmin Pen to the entry hall, with a teenage caravaneer looking after them. no dialog yet, but it'll come.



Its a real help having done Mad Science, its made me a lot more confident with levelled lists and quests (not to mention scripting and AI packages)


I'm hoping to have the basic dialog options for all the characters in the entrance area/Traders landing finished within a week or two, and be able to fit some fairly in-depth tiered questlines into that over following few weeks.

Once there's enough quest-line stuff done for the Entrance cell, Players will be permitted to enter the actual vault-proper and I'll need to nail down the layout for that...

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  • 1 month later...

Since I haven't been updating much lately, I thought I should bring anyone paying attention to this forum up to speed


Vault 105 is still going strong as my primary project.

My current best case estimates are that I'll have the vault itself done in under a month, and if I push, the entire project could be wrapped up by new-years. I'm not holding my breath on that one, but who knows right?


Progress is breezing along on quite a few aspects, mostly dialog and features.

To help me explain what I'm up to...Pics!




The Vault's main Lab areas.

This is where fun science happens, and where they build robots.

The robots are a side-project, mostly being built for sale since they're relatively rare in the wasteland.

The actual scientific endeavor is fairly wide-ranging, I haven't settled on what they actually focus on in this lab though.


Visible in the lower part, two FEV chambers can be found (I think they're more Science Pods than specifically FEV chambers since Vault 22 had them for growing plants, albiet using modified FEV as part of it...eh, whatever, Standard Science Pods. works for me.





The Main Clinic, forget that little one upstairs, this is where the real doctorin' happens.

Here you can meet Doctor Mitchell (a distant relative of The Doc Mitchell of Goodsprings, I like to imagine that she's a distant cousin, possibly several times removed, and you'll be able to talk to her about it)

You can also meet a early model Mr Orderly, who can perform facial reconstruction surgery as well as provide various Implants for a price.




The Upper Gallery, looking across to the Cafe, and down on the Main Concourse

The Concourse houses the clinic and classroom, as well as a general store and a lounge area.

The kid with the Red hat visible down on the lower level is looking to open a lemonade stand (a special request from my younger sister) and needs to get permission from the overseer before he can do it The overseer is a bit draconian about paperwork like that, but maybe a third party negotiator can bridge the gap between the older man and the kid?

I love how contrived some of the quests and missions you get in Fallout can be...I kinda want to mock that with this little quest. Its little, and you don't get a whole lot out of it, but its cutesy and I think players will like doing it :)




The view from the Upper Gallery (lower level) looking down the Main Concourse.

The kid sneaking up on a mini sentry bot is Bradley, the child of one of the security guards, the kid loves all things robot and pre-war military, he couldn't get a army hat, but his great grandfather's police hat is good enough for him.

The robot itself is a RC toy he owns, it roams around the concourse freely, and he follows it, brandishing a Detonator as a remote control. looks pretty convincing to me :)

I wanted to depict children at play in the vault, after all, its a home and a place where people are growing up, there would be kids running around and having fun...so the challenge for me is in making sure the kids are playing. not just wandering around.





Seen here is the view from the Living quarters Common room (home to a pool table and a wet bar) out across the gallery over the vault's library. so far nothing in the library but a lot of shelves and a reading nook, but I'll be adding books and a librarian before long.

The actual living quarters are on the upper level of the gallery, each side hosts male or female residents. access is along a corridor behind the far wall visible here (which also has the bathrooms and is bisected by a lockable door), Across the bridge visible, or by meeting in the common room.




A personal favourite concept of mine, I've actually done these guys a couple times before. back when I played Fallout 3, I made a mod for Survival Armor, look it up if you like, I did release it.

The essential concept is a armoured radiation and hazmat suit. bit tougher than the flimsy Tear-on-a-sharp-rock rad-suits that were all around the game. this marries the vault security officer's vest with the enclave science suit, making a very cool outfit

In my fallout 3 mod, a few of these guys were outside the vault scouting under the overseer's orders, one of them is dispatched to attack and kill you (since you might lead others back to the vault)

Same concept here, if you piss off Vault 105, you can expect teams of these guys to come after you, maybe four or five of them, armed with laser rifles, laser pistols, plasma grenades and more.

In the pic, there's only two of them, lounging in the Excursion room, a combination briefing and locker-room used since we hardly want our brave officers to track radioactive dust and mud through the vault and risk the health of the rest of the vault...

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Nice to see things still going.

I especially like the kid with the robot toy. That really breaths live into the Vault.


I once had the thought of a similar sort of armor. I always found it weird that the Vault exit didn't have some sort of suit up room with radiation suits and that those suits for a Vault would come in science and security editions.

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