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Enchanting Mod: FeatherFall


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Hello. I'd like to start off by asking that you please forgive me if I've breached any Forum Etiquette around these parts, as this is my very first post on nexus forums, ever.


And of course, it's to ask one of you fine folk for something that I cannot do myself. Big surprise, right? Again, plz4giv.


Anywho, I would really love an Enchantment for Featherfall. I am aware that a spell comes with Apocolypse, and Phendrix (and if either of those is guaranteed to also provide an enchantment for these spells I will download one or both of them straight away) but I really want the effect to be compatible with Space Wikings Dwarven Exoskeleton, and for that it really needs to be an enchantment.


At the moment I'm stuck using the animated wings mod, which is absolutely marvelous piece of work, doubtless, but as you can imagine, those big wings really clash with the Dwarven motif I'm trying to create for myself.


Alternatively if the maker of the wings mod updates with a set of Dwarven Animoculi wings, that would be juuuuust fine.


Basically any solution that allows me to continue rolling a strictly dwarven based character whilst not forcing me to stop and cast Featherfall, but again, ideally an enchantment.

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I've found a good deal of mods that can do what I need, but I'd really like it to work through the game interface and enchanting is the best option for that. I appreciate you responding at least, but a global removal of falling damage is not really what I'm looking for here.


It's a solution, just not the best solution.

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  • 3 weeks later...

You could create a perk or just change the Cushioned heavy armor perk to reduce falling damage by 100%.

That way it would not affect all the npcs.

You could also tweak it to only require one specific piece of armor. Like the boots you want to wear.

I did this on my own game, and it seems to work fine.

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