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WCIF - Tutorial To Make a Classic Rock Radio Station?


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Okay, I have never made anything in a game before.... Yes, I am 100% USDA Grade A Noob Meat!


I want to make and add my own Radio station that has classic rock from the 70's & 80's. I am tired of the old music. Specifically, I want a type of radio station that has limited commercials, nothing about the war, and plays music constantly.


Is there a Newbie Friendly guide that can help me make this easily and correctly?


Once it is done, I will upload it for all to have.



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http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/274194-tutorial-how-to-create-a-new-radio-station/ this one is for NV but think its the same for fo3, also before you upload CHECK COPYRIGHT! so many ppl upload radio statiosn and music replacers with music that gets them banned because its against copyright law in most cases.
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