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CTD's upon opening enb settings menu and loading save.


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I haven't had this issue before normally I can fix things myself but this time I truly can't. plz help!


i am also using ssme

com specs

amd fx 9370 4.4ghz 8 core

16gb ram

2 windforce oc 4gb gtx 770


Edit 1:it seems that it must be a mod conflict as loading vannila skyrim with enb and ssme the gui does not ctd.


Edit 2: with vanilla(no mods installed) Skyrim running with mod organizer + end + ssme causes ctd on opening the enb gui.

Edited by Dasaxon
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Make sure that all enb files of previous enb versions are gone. Check manually.

You dont need ssme as skse has the same functionality.

Does this happen with every enb? I also remember that some people with sli run into problems with enbs. Try to disable sli for a test.

Edited by fiewiel
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I removed all enb files and did some short testing to find no ctds.

I then installed the latest vanilla enb files and i am again getting ctd on gui and load.

Failed to mention I'm running windows 10 I am currently looking at fixes related 2 that now.

sli testing will come next as i have never had issues with sli up to this point.


Edit 1: switching to single gpu does not stop any ctds. installing windows 10 fix also found of this fourms does not slove the problem as well.

Edit 2: switched 2 injector instead of wrapper to see if it would fix ctds but it did not.


Edit 3: for anyone if any looking at this for a solution i found updating to the most recent nvida drivers dropped today on GeForce experience fixed this issue and gave me a 15fps boost!

Edited by Dasaxon
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