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kokid - Formal warning issued

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kokid has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason:


Attack on another site member.


kokid, on 10 Aug 2015 - 3:48 PM, said:


As the mod creator i'd love to tell you that i in fact don't give a crap about your whiny problems because i'm a bad, bad boy. Turns out you are the retard i was talking about, i'm not useing smaller words in the readme for you princess. I made this mod for those eyesores to be GONE. you are telling me to do the exact opposite of what this mod is made for. I was wondering when the douchebag like you would show up and tell me to undo everything because you're a princess. If you don't like it then piss off and make your own. Nobody is putting a gun to your head to download this. And if they are, i'd love to hear about it, or at least glance at the paper with the headline " DOUCHEBAG SHOT IN THE HEAD FOR MOD DOWNLOAD" laugh and forget about it. Think about it. You're being a douchebag. I'm not changing anything so it's perfect in princess land. I'm NOT doing the exact opposite of what i spent my life doing FOR YOU PRINCESS. I said nothing of refusing feedback. Thank for the info, I'll keep it in mind when i make a new mod. (not really)


Followed by this via private message:


I'm calling you princess from now on. get a life.



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This warning was issued for what took place here, here




Restrictions in place

As part of the warning, kokid has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account:


This user cannot use file tools for 14 days

This user cannot post comments on the sites or forums for 14 days

This user cannot send private messages for 14 days




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