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essential companions


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i was wondering if someone can tell me what i'm doing wrong with the console command set essential. I'm trying to use it to make the amata follower essential and when i enter SetEssential her id I GET BY CLICKING ON HER AND THEN 1, IT GIVES ME A MESSAGE IN CONSOLE THAT SAYS PLAYER ID WRONG OR SOMETHING. I'VE TRIED THIS ON OTHER NPCS AND GOT THE SAME RESULTS. HOW DO YOU USE THAT CORRECTLY.
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set essential doesnt work with ref ids, the numbers you get clicking on things and using with prid, you need to add the base id, and for some reason Amata has 4 sets of each, but guess youd narrow it to either the one before completing the waters of life quest or after completing it, so try

setessential 230dd 1 (before completing) or

setessential 2549e 1 (after completing)




Edited by nisen
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