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Help resolving Mod issue required...


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Hi, to be breif i have 120 mods, 160 active plugins in NMM, so isolating this problem isn't going to be easy, especially seen as i've recently installed windows 10, and had to re-install all of my mods through NMM. so isolating which mod has actually caused the issue could be lengthy,

Hopefully however, someone will have seen/heard or experienced this problem before and can help me isolate it faster, basically my character is automatically collecting anything in range without any keypresses from myself, (Basically any plants, or hanging food, or even items lying around. Anything that wouldn't be considered "Stolen" is collected.)


I don't have auto harvest installed which is pretty much the only mod that shows up when i google. and i've tried disabling the obivious options, like Convenient horses which has a similar feature when mounted, Automatic follower looting, which has followers perform the task (Despite my not having any followers currently) and a few of the dynamic items and storage mods that i use, (Arods and Dynamic things)

Would really appreciate any help isolating the issue in order to fix!

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Use Mod Organizer,

Easier and more useful than NMM in this case. It points out problems and such.


Load 20 mods per time, till you get at the source of the problem. Test intensively. Go from Riverwood, to Whiterun, enter and exit cells and check if the game is stable.


You surely have a mod conflicting with another.

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