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Living Economy from Frans


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Hi guys,


I just want to confirm if I am f***ed or not. A few weeks back before I went on my mod installation spree, I followed this guide http://devnull.sweetdanger.net/fcominstall.html for the FCOM installation. Obviously it is dated as I installed LE as it said so(recommended) but found out now that Enhanced Economy is way better. Obviously they overlap on some levels and will bug your game like hell. I wanted to know if there was a way to manually remove LE from my installation? I do not see any ESP and I am not quite if what to remove.


Let me know if I can remove it easily or if I actually need to do major reinstalling :(, because I don't know if I can uninstall Frans(installed via wrye bash, bain) and re-bundle it without LE and reinstall without any trouble.

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If you dont want to use living economy then just don't activate the mod. If you want it uninstalled from your save game then I'm pretty sure all you have to do is deactivate it, make a clean save, then activate EE. Edited by stars2heaven
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I found this post. It may be more helpful


Pineapple, on Jan 19 2008, 07:01 AM, said:


I've always enjoyed LE but I was wondering exactly how one goes about uninstalling Living Economy - Items?


The readme offers no instructions, just a warning that the prices are overwritten permanently. So that means there's no way to go back to default pricing?


Simply not loading the mod makes a lot of stuff priced to 0 gold.



Well, readme says: "You should save the game outside any shop to ensure the prices are correct before uninstalling this mod."


I should also include that you should apply the "Default Prices" from the Living Economy - Items in-game menu if you have selected another price scheme.


So if you have items priced at zero you should ensure you are out of any shop and verify items are indeed not zero priced at that point and then save and uninstall. If you still have items at zero, then that might've been the default price to begin with? What sort of items stay at zero?

I'm also having this problem. The 65k bug is causing me difficulties and I want to remove the mod, but prices for many items seem to be permanently set to 0. I've set the "Default Prices" option from the Living Economy - Items configuration menu (startquest cflemenu2) from a savegame that is outside a shop. My mercantile skill is 70, so I should be able to sell any item at any shop. However, after choosing "Default Prices", I enter Palonyra's shop, Divine Elegance, in the Market District, and she offers 0 gold for many items that should not have that value (Akaviri Katana, various arms and armor for examples).


From your statement, the price reset (to default Oblivion prices) should be evident before saving your game, but it is not. Here's what I did to remove this mod and restore default pricing:


load a savegame outside a shop run "startquest cflemenu2" from the console, select Default Prices

save game (example: from console, type "savegame LEremove")

exit Oblivion, disable LE mods from OBMM or Oblivion Launcher

load savegame


I also tried this with disabling the mod prior to making a savegame, but this step appears to be unnecessary. However, prices will remain at zero until the esp files are disabled - the disable mod option in the in-game menu (from running "startquest cflemenu" in the console) is not sufficient to observe prices being reset to defaults (probably because the Disable Mod option only refers to Living Economy and not Living Economy - Items). This also means it is not possible to verify that prices are not zero before uninstalling. This also seems to clear any 500 gold investments you've made at the Journeyman level since in vanilla Oblivion that option is not available until Expert level.


I love this mod - once the 65k bug is identified and fixed, I'll be sure and re-enable it.

Edited by stars2heaven
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Francesco's version of LE is integrated, no esp is supplied(I wish it was that easy) but yeah I decided to jump head first into this and just do a complete new install of Fran's without LE. So far it seems to have worked but I thought there might be some issues with my fcom setup, iunno.
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