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Adding a Faction to a PC race?

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I have a Lich Race mod now for a longer time and i thought its time for a minor update since it began to feel less lich-like to me. So came up with the idea why dont i put that race into the Lich and Undead faction? I opened the CS and clicked my way to the factions under "Factions" .. and thats where my journey took a very abrupt end. All i figured out so far is that i can raise the disposition modifier with the PlayerFaction through the roof but the Liches and other undeads are still hostile.. and that wouldnt be a solution since they would be friendly to every PC race. So my question is, is there a way to make that possible to add certain Factions to a single certain PC race? Maybe a script or something? :blink:
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You can do it through a quest script. Make a new quest, and for quest conditions, use GetIsRace (your race here) == 1. Then attach your quest script:


scn example

short DoOnce

Begin GameMode

if (player.GetIsRace lichrace == 1 && DoOnce == 0)
	player.SetFactionRank LichFaction 0
	player.SetFactionRank UndeadFaction 0
	set DoOnce to 1
elseif (player.GetIsRace lichrace == 0 && DoOnce == 1)
	;in case player decides to switch races in the middle of the game
	player.SetFactionRank LichFaction -1
	player.SetFactionRank UndeadFaction -1
	set DoOnce to 0


Edited by fg109
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