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NMM Mod Installation Issue


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So I was having CTD issues with a game I had installed (Dragon Age Origins), and it was suggested on another site that I uninstall and reinstall the game. I had mods enabled for Dragon Age, so I opened NMM and deactivated them all and then uninstalled Dragon Age. After reinstalling Dragon Age, I opened NMM and found weapon/armor mods already activated. I figured it was a glitch since I hadn't enabled them myself, so I deleted them all from the mod list and re-added them. But when I went to enable them, I was given this error message (The asterisks are for personal info):


A problem occurred during install:

Could not find file 'C:\Users\****\Documents\Bioware\Dragon Age\Settings\AddIns.xml'. (C:\Users\****\Documents\Bioware\Dragon Age\Settings\AddIns.xml)

The mod was not installed.


I'm at a loss as to what to do, still haven't even figured out if the CTD issue was fixed with Dragon Age, any help would be appreciated. I already tried joining the nexus chat to try and get help before starting a new thread but people there are busy trying to look cool and were unhelpful, so I apologize for the new thread.

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