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Destroy All Factions


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One of the great things about Skyrim is choice. You can chose how to confront a certain situation in many small quests and decide the course of Skyrim in big ones as well. One of the things that would really complete Skyrim would be the option to destroy all factions individiually.

Example: I like to roleplay with my characters, and therefore I make several of them. One can be a racist, light-armor, axe-and-shield diehard Stormcloak nord, while another can be a sneaky Khajiit assassin. Maybe the Nord would prefer to destroy the College of Winterhold instead of join it, and maybe the Khajiit assassin would like to get rid of the Companions because he joins bandits such as the Silver Hand. The option to either join or destroy all the guilds in Skyrim would create an opportunity to choose an identity for your character and let's face it, having the option to kill certain people is fun.

I know vanilla skyrim already has the option to destroy the Dark Brotherhood and there's a very nice Destroy the Thieves Guild mod, but there should be more mods to destroy factions such as the College of Winterhold, the Companions, etc.

Thanks for reading and considering!

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I don't see it that hard to do, maybe a little time consuming tying up loose ends of intertwined quest lines.


But really for example Just setting up so you can kill any of the essential quest members of Winterhold College and it sets the main quest as failed and ends it.


But then you'd need to look at some of the other things for quests tied to the college members that are related to the main story and non Winterhold College related to side quests.


EG: finding the elder scroll and talking to orc librarian about it.

or the 3 part amulet where one part isn't accessible till doing the Winterhold College quest line.

Or word walls that aren't aren't accessible till doing a quest line.

So you'd still want to give some way to access to those types of things.


Be the same for kill any faction off, tying up loose ends could take a bit to work around so the player can still have some way to access to what they normally would.

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  • 2 years later...

Way I see it For:
All Guilds: All Dungeons would Be open related to that Faction, certain elements would be missing (I.E. Wuuthrad in the Companions) and alternate rewards would be set in place (I.E. a One Handed Weapon that does bonus damage to Humans and/or Were-beasts being the Opposite of Wuuthrad). You would still be able to get the Shouts and Even have Different quest depending on the Faction (I.E. Silver-Hand Allied Quests).


Thieves Guild:

Mjoll and The Dragonborn would guard high priority targets from thieves and massive loud heists in a sort of reversed medieval "Payday" scenario.

With The Thieves Guild destroyed, there's no need to translate Falmerise and fix the Twilight Sepulcher. (More Adraic Option?)


Dark Brotherhood:
Add to the "Destroy the Dark Brotherhood Quest" You would also be destroying Remaining groups of the DB in skyrim.

(I don't know much about the DB questline other than destroying them)


The College Of Winterhold:

Destroying various mage Hideouts and Ultimately defending Sarthaal from the Psijic order mages with Brute Nordic force.

Instead of the Osimer Librarian, a nordic scholar would help you find The Dragon Elder Scroll or the Galdur amulet.



You are accepted as a double agent for the The Silver hand and slowly destroy the Companions from within while destroying Werewolf and possibly vampire clans in Skyrim.

You would have a mixed reputation in and around Whiterun hold, and may have a bounty put on you high (500-1000) randomly for revenge, and Euroland Gray-Mane wouldn't barter with you, Period.


The Grey-beards(With Alduin):

Hear me out on this one.

You start a Dialogue with Alduin after he raises the Dragon at Kynesgrove. You have the Option to go with the already present Hero quest.....OR... Join Alduin. Kill Delphine (Destroying the Blades in the Process) Go the High Hrothgar and either gain the approval of them or force The Grey-beards into giving you the Clear Sky shout, get to Paarthurnax and convince him to join Alduin or Kill Paarthurnax. This would Result in The Grey-beards Yelling at you, asking Why? You say that you're with Alduin and they Start attacking You. You kill them and Get one with devouring/rebirthing the world. You Could Try and Kill Alduin and Keep the world and be in control of a Second dragon cult or let Alduin devor the World (You wouldn't be able to continue after this point... Duh)


Final Thoughts:

Are there some Loose end, there are, no question.

Is this Good? I think so, What Say you, viewer?

Why don't I do this? Well I'm too Stupid and Busy failing High School to do so.

Edited by EugeneSolario
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