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Outcast robot followers for ttw


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Just a quick quote of a post re: TTW & Nexus


however nexus probably isn't the place to do it. I don't think TTW is supported/allowed. I made some mods for TTW when it was still hosted on nexus and they'v been removed. I'm sure there are some that escaped notice, but in general I believe TTW is against nexus policy, allhough it would be great if a moderator chimed in just to be sure.

So I don't think TTW compatibility is in the cards. HOwever if you want outcast bots in the Mojave, that, I believe is pretty easy. I suspect all of the outcast assets are in the BSA and can be places in FONV without any real work.


If your willing to settle for just the Mojave, I can look into it for you.

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