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looking for a little help


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i installed a vampire face dis-abler and after extracting and adding to data files the game wont run, i get a "corrupted files" error. i tried to remove the files from my oblivion/data but i believe im having trouble finding them all. id really like to fix this. i do have oblivion backup data files from before i installed the mod. but im unsure how to replace the current (active) "corrupted" data file with the back up data file. anyone dealt with this before/ know where i can find any sort of tutorial on this? id GREATLY appreciate it!
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I would do this- create an OMOD in OBMM, select "add archive" and select the .RAR or .7z archive containing the vampire mod. Click "create", and then activate it when it shows up in OBMM it should tell you ___ file already exists but is not associated with an OMOD, overwrite? Say yes and keep saying yes to overwrite or control-click for "yes to all". This should associate all of the vampire mods files with this OMOD. . meaning once it's finished, you can de-activate the OMOD and all the incriminating files should deactivate with it.


This has worked for me before.. You should really try using OBMM or even BAIN to install your mods rather than manually copying the files whenever possible to save these problems from happening band finally- use the vampire face fix in Wrye Bash! assuming that's what you were trying to do. Good luck

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