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Viability of adding a new quest alias to the courier quest.

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So I was wondering- something I see fairly often is the concept of creating custom couriers for various purposes. The solutions that I have seen thus far seem pretty invasive to the game.


So I had a bit of an ignorant flash of brilliance that I wanted to pose to the community.


The WI Courier quest currently has a few aliases and scripts that allow quests to feed specific items and locations into the courier.


Is it at all possible to add an alias that is essentially an outfit?


This way, when you have a quest that requires the courier, when it inputs the item, and location data to the WI Courier quest, it also inputs an outfit for the courier to wear?


Then have a control to ensure that if no input is provided, you are given a default costume as per the original courier?


Like I said before- my knowledge of this stuff is limited and this might not work- but thought that it could be a really good resource for mods who want to change the courier to not look like patsy.



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Yeah it can be done although not in the way you have described, but using scripts. I wouldn't do it because the player rarely sees the courier and when he does he doesn't interact that much with him anyway, so it wouldn't be worth the effort.

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