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Compass Textures Export Problem


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I'm trying to do my own Textures to use with the HUD Status Bar mod. My texture has the exact same dimensions as the original compass Texture of the mod. I've built it using Photoshop CS6 and the NVIDIA DXT Compression Plugin.

The original texture comes in three different sizes, the big one being 548x36px. Then there's a 80% (438x29px) version and a 50% (274x18px) version, each in a different folder called Menu, Menu80 and Menu50 . IrfanView tells me that the full size image uses DXT5 while the smaller sizes use DXT3.

I have no difficulty to export the full size texture with the NVIDIA Plugin, however it won't process the smaller images because DXT compression requires the dimensions to be divideable by four. I've unchecked Show Size Warning and enbled Allow Non-Power-of-Two in the configuration of the plugin, but still it won't let me save the dds file.

But the original textures from the mod are in the same dimensions that I have, so there has to be a way to get it saved using DXT compression. Does anyone have an idea how?

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Okay, just if anyone encounters a similar problem:


I just expanded the area below and left to right of the images to make the dimensions dividable by four, then filled the new area with 100% alpha and exported the textures as DXT5 compressed .dds. The game engine only uses visible pixels for placement, so that's not a problem.


I have another problem though. I'm running on a laptop with 1366x768px resolution and the game is wired to only use medium sized (80%) textures for the Menus, that includes even the color map and my new compass. Even when in the game settings I chose "large" for textures. That only seems to work with 3D elements though. Is there any way to force the game to use the high res menu textures or create exceptions for some elements?

The worst thing is that in the script for the compass it'll stretch the image to the high res size, then the whole compass element gets reduced to medium size again by the game. So the image gets interpolated to 120% and then reduced to it's original size again, resulting in a loss in quality and somewhat jagged looking lines. Is there any way to fix this?

Edited by KoderOne
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