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Fallout New Vegas specific save game issue possible mod conflict?


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Alright sorry about the topic not being clear because i dont really know how to describe it in a title. My problem is that when i load my 2 latest saves it brings up the some content may no longer be available menu but not in the main menu screen but in a black screen i click yes and it removes everything and i get the DLC item pack messages including a screwed up HUD. I did not uninstall or deactivate any mods because it was working fine before, but then i started to get stutters each time i quick saves so i restarted and this is what happened. I loaded a previous save that was a solid save like 6 hours ago and it worked fine with all the mods that were suppose to be installed. The problem is that i got alot progress and i dont want to start again from that most old save. Its not my game it seems something is wrong with those particular saves because when i checked all my mods on LOOT i found 2 mods that had "missing references" and "deleted navmeshes" those mods are The Inheritance and New Vegas Bounties II all made by someguy2000, also all DLCs seemed to have the same messages. Basically i can load my old save 6 hours ago fine but when i try to load my most recent saves the some content may no longer be available menu pops and sometimes ends up crashing my game. I have no clue what this could maybe a dirty edit? I tried fixing it on FNVedit by undeleting references and it didnt work because it could not delete them. I request help with this matter and would highly appreciate to whoever responds to me and tells me what the problem could be or how to fix it!


P.S: sorry for the long post and not very well constructed sentences i was writing this in the night.

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