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Partners killing ahead of time


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I have ran into a problem. My partners start killing characters before I have found out they need to be killed. In Crime & Corruption they go out and kill the guy right after I get the quest but before I have done any of the research to find out he needs to be killed. This has happened in a couple of other quests too. They attack the enemy before I have found out they are an enemy. I have treid setting them to be "passive" but it didn't help.
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Before anyone can help you, I think you're at least going to have to say what companion mod(s) you're using. It'd probably be even better if you posted a load order of all your mods.


Although even if you post it, I don't think I can help you. The only companion mod I use is CM Partners, and nothing from that would cause what you're describing.

Edited by fg109
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