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Oblivion, Fallout 3 and Dragon Age: Origins to be considered for Smith


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playing games involves many personal choices ?

dude there are only 3 "personal" choices (if you can even call it that)

1. what games do you like and play?

2. how much and in what way will you kick ass

3. how much time do you wanna spend playing and getting better

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Thanks for the info. I went and voted. Brought back some memories. Have not played many of the games listed, but have played enough of them that I was able to make some choices. The three you list in your OP are among some of my very favorites, and they are all so completely different from one another. Makes me realize how lucky I am to be a gamer! Thank you for taking the time to let us all know about the vote.
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i wish they would add assasins creed 12 and 3 but nooo they only added the buggy games from Bethesda and dragon age wich sucks in the gamming community compaired to assasins creed and gta 4, i think of this as a conspiracy for oblivion to sell better. if they add oblivion and not assassins creed or stuff like that, its not a legit museum.
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The exhibit isn't called "The ART of Videogames for nothing. They don't care about how buggy a game is, they care about the art. GTA isn't included because, well, i don't really think there's anything artistic about it. They also don't care if a game sucks or not. Again, they're in it for the art. But i do agree with you on how they didn't add the Assassin's Creed series. I do believe that the game more than deserves to be called an art.


I can't really bother myself to register on that site so can anyone tell me if Rise of Nations:Rise of Legends is included? I mean that game, though not very popular, surely deserves to be included.

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Whoa wait a minute, what? I'm not starting or looking for a fight don't worry about that one. Just trying to make things clear. I don't want people to misunderstand what the exhibit is about.
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Sounds like a wonderful initiative to give the game the category they deserve.

Do not think they wanted to make a list of the best games ever, but those who have been included if I seem representative of the values who they want to expose.

Thanks for the article :)


Edited by aisnor
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  On 3/25/2011 at 6:57 AM, Zaldiir said:

There is a reason it is listed as #3 best game of all time... :P

By who?


Oblivion is a weak and shallow excuse for an Elder Scrolls game without mods. Everything is handed to you from the start, and the level scaling system was broken from the start.

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Always kinda funny reading someone complaining about the game being broken, coz 'it handed you everything from the start'...in a MOD site, where you can get weapon and armors, without needing to do a quest, so basically getting them from THE START!
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