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Landscape Texture Problem


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  • 3 years later...

I know this is probably pretty old and there's potentially a solution, but I'm having this exact same problem!


I have no idea what the cause of it is, but it's exactly the same. Deathclaw face textures and such, appearing on certain parts of the ground at Quarry Junction. I'm under 139 plugins, i've tried archiveinvalidation toggling and I've uninstalled certain mods that i figured maybe had something to do with it (nevada skies, NMC textures) not really sure but I would greatly appreciate some pointers for this!




I had problems like this before, though they seemingly were random and only happened occasionally. Well this isn't like that, it's specifically the ground textures at Quarry Junction i'm having issues with and also Jacobstown (which I never would have found out was messed up if i didn't read other people having problems with Quarry Junction and Jacobstown, specifically).

Edited by NudasPriest
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