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Putting GPS Chips in Children & Teens


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I would never agree in this kind of idea that a GPS chip will be inserted on my child’s body. Of course as I parent I am concerned about the safety of my kids. But if I would want to keep track of their location I would never go into them physically because it is very immoral for me. I actually registered my kids to SafeKidZone which allows me to keep track of the location of my kids and it also allows my kids to easily summon for help and ask for an immediate response from friends, family and from the nearest 911 in our during emergency situations. This is the protection I provide to my kids http://SafeKidZone.com/


Judging by your lacking augment and the fact it is only for cell phones (if your kid can use a cell phone fine you don't need a chip) and that this is your only post, I would suggest you are simply advertising.

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I am a parent. I have two children of my own, and I foster one. I love all three of them. But I would NEVER consider an implant like this. A pacemaker, sure, it would be a needed procedure, same with any other NEEDED procedure. A tracking chip though? I have seen references in this thread of what an off kilter individual may do if something like this started, and I am in full agreement, so in the end, it may harm the child more, or get them killed. That coupled with the fact that GPS can be wholly messed up or shut down through the right means, and as of now those circumstances are not hard to reproduce, makes it almost, in a sense, a more dangerous prospect. It was also pointed out that laws don't really keep up with technology, which is another problem entirely. The thing that scares me most was that a company here in the state I live in tried to actually start marketing this exact type of thing a couple years ago, but was shut down. It's simply a terrifying prospect, because it would not just be me and the police with knowledge of my child's location. The company that produces them would also have access to the GPS network their chips are on, because they would be maintaining them. That is a truly terrifying prospect. Edited by Sepherose
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Bben correctly stated that there is no current technology for an implanted GPS tracking device.


This is a microchip inserted with a hypodermic injection that can be scanned for identity purposes only, at present.

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At some point there will be asshats who desperately deserve GPS tracking chips to be inserted. These people will be criminals who have spent 20-30 years in prison and then released, and they will have been chipped as a condition of release...much the same as they are currently fitted with GPS collars/bracelets.



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