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Shadows of Darkest Soul (An Elder Scrolls RP)


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Hey guys, sorry for the short post. I've got a lot of things going on right now that needs taken care of. Ill check in where i can, but it might be a while. Sorry. :( Also, mythic, by all means, go ahead and rehaul your sheet. I've got no problem with that. :) The more the merrier.
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The RP'ing has been calling me back, so I've been thinking that I'll just join every RP I can. Anyhow, I think it might be nice to rejoin this high-quality TES RP.
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I think I'll reprise my role as Dar'Krinji, just got to find his sheet. :pirate:



Edit: Lost the sheet :facepalm: I think I sent it to you Soul

Edited by nethgros
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Nethgros, I do indeed have your sheet. Here it is again for all to see:




Name: Dar'krinji


Race: Khajiit


Age: 25


Birthsign: Thief


Class: Thief/Assassin


Skills: Sneak, Blade, Hand-to-hand, security, acrobatics, athletics, marksman.


General Appearance: Dar (as he is known to his fellow thieves)

is a very average, and unassuming looking Khajiit, by anyones standards. He is of average height, with a sleek, muscular build. He has a lush coat of deep orange/tan fur covering him from head to toe. Dar has two earrings, one in each ear. The left earring is made of the madness or, of the Shivering Isles, given to him by Sheogorath. The ring is golden, with black details of eyes teeth and various other things (if you have ever seen madness crafted weapons of Shivering Isles expansion). The right earring is made of the purest silver, given to him by Mara. Dar's clothing is made of sack cloth, being baggy pants, and a loosely fit shirt. In his sack cloth pants, Dar has added many pockets and such to store his various items, and is seen on many occasions pulling pounds of loot from them.


Biography/History: Abandoned as a child, Dar'krinji aptly named himself as a sneaky little outcast. He folloed in the generally accepted view of orphans by becoming a pickpocket and joining the thieves guild. For years, Dar spent his days rummaging around in peoples goods, taking what he was due. All this, of course, had to come to an end, and did. Unexpectedly, this end was not at the hands of the law, but in the cold, heartless embrace of skooma. Left behind by his fellow thieves, all Dar had was the skooma, and that quickly left him too. As he took the last of his skooma, he came up with a brilliant (to him) idea. Dar went to the nearest shrine of Sheogorath, and begged for some way to have his beloved skooma forever. A jovial voice intruded upon his thoughts and said, "Ay there little kitty, you want skooma, eh? You look like a decent fellow, why would you want somthing like this? Stuff like this could cost you... an arm or a leg!.. or somthing like that..." Dar only replied that he needed this, so Sheogorath did the most literal thing he could think of, and took his left arm, and right leg. A small pouch appeared next to Dar, but he hardly noticed as he screamed in pain, and squirmed in agony, blood pouring from his stumps. He cried for help, and the loving mother obliged. "I will help you, but only if you return the favor when required." Dar agreed, and his limbs reappeared, and a small token of Mara left behind, a brilliant silver earring. All this of cours happened in a span of three minutes or so, and everyone at the shrine of Sheogorath were dumbfounded at what had just occured. Dar stood up, looked around, smiled wryly, then took his items and ran. After running quite some distance, he stopped for a nice break to try out his new skooma pouch. Dar pulled out the pouch and emptyed the contents into his pipe, then opened it again to find it replenished. Overjoyed, he smoked in peace... until The Lord of Madness discovered what had happened. Breaking into Dar's peace, he said, "WHATS THIS?! You are sitting here enjoying MY SKOOMA, whent you should be over there bleeding like a skewered PIGGLET! How?!" Dar replayed the memory of what had just happened in his mind, and all he heard was a large sigh. Sheogorath said, "So I give you free skooma forever, and you get a nice earring from her? Want another kitty? Lets make a deal, you let me give you another b-e-a-utiful earring -and pierce your little kitty ears, and I won't tear out your kitty gizzards. Deal?" Seeing no choice, Dar agreed, and was immediately transported to a pitch black room. One single light turned on, and Dar found himself strapped in a chair, immobilized. A mysterious figure slowly walked over to him, brandishing nothing but a spoon. He said, "This might just be one of the most enjoyable things I'm going to do today!" And with that, he spent three grueling days piercing Dar's ears, with a spoon. Dar blacked out several times from this excruciating torture, the final time he woke up to find himself back in his ramshackle hut in Elsweyr, with both his daedric earrings on. He just smoked some skooma, and then left, searching for somthing interesting to do.



----- Looks fine to me?

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I didn't realize we ever went that long, huh. I was concerned more because it's been over a week without anyone posting and no one has said that they would be MIA whereas in the past if people took a long break they said so.
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