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Shadows of Darkest Soul (An Elder Scrolls RP)


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Adrynn Indarys, Ald-ruhn, Mage's Guild


Adrynn patted his belt for a moment before remembering he'd lost all his coin in Kogoruhn. Frowning, he thought for a moment, then he remembered something. Holding up a finger, he walked downstairs and took the right walkway around the main hall of the guild, finding one of the rooms off to the side. He jiggled the handle to make sure it was still locked and finding it still was, opened it with a small spell.


Stepping inside, Adrynn quickly strode to the desk against the far wall. Crouching, he reached under the desk and felt around along the crease between the top of the desk and the stack of drawers underneath it. There, he found a small bump which he pressed. A small trapdoor opened and he deftly reached inside and pulled out a coinpurse and a dagger, leaving the note that had accompanied them behind.


He stuck the dagger in his belt and felt the coinpurse, judging its weight and mass and the number of coins by rolling it around in his fingers. Feels like it should, he though, opening it up to make sure. Grinning, Adrynn left the room, closing the small trapdoor and then the door to the room itself. He walked back up to Lecuaro, holding up the bag of gold.


"Here's 300 gold. A payment from the guild I've yet to collect till now," he explained, reaching inside and counting out the coin he needed. "Alright, here's 60 gold. That should cover myself, Garila, and you, Lecuaro." he said.


He glanced to everyone before speaking. "Anyone need anything before we go? Because if not, we need to hurry," he said, turning toward the stairs once more.

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Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon - Ald-ruhn Mages Guild



Lecuaro was grateful for Adrynn's generosity, especially considering that he too had been rendered penniless during the tussle inside Kogoruhn.


"I'm all set...but we need something to keep the Nerevarine's head covered. If someone recognizes him, it's going to make a huge scene....and a very bad one, too." He cautioned.

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OOC I'm purposely making my next few posts less detailed, so that they're not so long and they're made faster. Sorry for the previous posts everyone >.<


Ayra, Hlaalu City of Kragenmoor


Ayra left the Inn and looked around her. There was a lot of hustle and bustle all about, merchants lining the street and all sorts of people going about their day to day routines. It was a beautiful day out, and Ayra had to take a moment for her eyes to get used to the sunlight. She decided she needed to get some new gear, so she headed towards one of the local smiths.


As she walked in, she noticed a variety of different weapons and armor ranging from all sorts of materials. Looking around, she decided to check out the weapons on the counter, and ignoring the smith, she walked right up and started to really look closely at all of them.


"Can I help you?" the Orc smith asked.


Ayra ignored him and started to pick up some of the blades, inspecting them closely, and trying to determine which ones she liked.


"Ah, I see you like ebony," he said, attempting to gain her attention.


Ayra made the slightest of nods, and picked up a few ebony throwing stars and daedric dagger.


"I hope you have the coin to pay for all-" the smith began.


Ayra had put down a bag of gold on the counter and proceeded to walk out without saying a word. As she got to the door, she heard him say "Whoa hey, there's a bit much here, don't you want your change?" he asked, not trying to hide his surprised tone.


Ayra didn't look back, and just walked out of the door. She thought about the quickest way to get to Molag Mar from here, and realized her best bet was to head towards the local Mages Guild and be teleported to Almalexia. From there, Molag Mar was only a couple day's journey north. She also had someone she had to meet in the city of Almalexia, so she decided to hurry up and head out.


When she entered the mages guild, she barely looked twice around her, simply went straight to the Guild Guide.


"I...I need to go to Almalexia," she said. It was as though she was struggling with the words, like she couldn't get them to come out.


"Certainly," the Guild Guide replied with a smile. "That'll be 25 septims."


Ayra wordlessly handed over the necessary coin and felt short spinning sensation as she was warped away to Almalexia. When she opened her eyes, she looked around, she was in a completely different area. The building was enourmous, and so many mages were walking the halls. As she looked around, taking in all her surroundings, she spotted a narrow corrider off to the side, where she knew the exit to be. She immidiately set off at a brisk pace walking down the corrider, and as she did so, the torches on either side lighting the corrider lit up as she strode past. It was quite an impressive site.


She stepped out of the Mages Guild and took a breath of fresh air. She barely had enough time to take in her breathtaking surroundings when she heard a familiar voice call out from a street nearby.


"Well well, if it isn't my favorite elf," she heard the familiar voice call out to her.

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Adrynn Indarys, Ald-ruhn, Mage's Guild


"Aye, you're right, Lecuaro," Adrynn said, frowning. He didn't know what he could use to possibly cover the Incarnate's face with. A helm would be too out of place, and too obvious. He stood there for a moment, looking at the bound and gagged Incarnate. Suddenly, one of the mages came up and stopped as he noticed the group.


"Um, can I help you?" he asked, an unsure expression on his face. Adrynn carefully turned around, making sure to keep himself between the Nerevarine and the mage.


"Just transporting a prisoner," he said with an official sounding voice. The mage stood there for a moment more before shrugging his shoulders and heading back downstairs.


Adrynn sighed and quickly stepped close to the Nerevarine, who was slumped on Faeryn's shoulder. Adrynn grabbed the Incarnate's threadbare shirt and tore a large strip from it, before wrapping it around the prisoner's eyes. He had made sure that the strip was wide enough to cover his nose and most of his forehead, which left his slightly singed and matted hair to dangle over it. Adrynn stepped back and studied him. If it wasn't for the abnormally tall and muscular frame of the Incarnate, Adrynn would have never guessed who this ragged excuse of a Dunmer was.


"Alright, that will have to do for now. Come, we need to leave before anyone else starts asking questions," Adrynn said in a hushed voice. He turned and started leading the way down to the guild guide.

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Caius Cosades, Faeryn Sethandas, and Velanya Therys; Ald'ruhn Mages Guild


"Don't need to tell me twice," the Spymaster murmured as they followed Adrynn.


They all crowded together on the mage's teleportation device, Velanya proffering hers, Faeryn's and Caius's portion of the gold to the Altmeri guild guide, "We all need to get to Vivec, right Adrynn?" She nudged her cousin to fork over his coin as well.

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Adrynn Indarys, Ald-ruhn, Mage's Guild


"Aye, Vivec it is," he said, handing over the gold. The Altmeri mage grinned at the amount of gold in her hands and quickly stuffed it into a pocket.


"Ok, the maximum I can transport at a time is three, so I'm guessing you two," she said, pointing to Caius and Faeryn who still held the unconscious Incarnate, "are the ones who need to go first."


Adrynn stepped back from the pedestal and waited for them to go ahead. Garila stood next to him, beside Velanya and Lecuaro.

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Kriak, Ald-Ruhn Mages Guild


Kriak remained silent throughout the groups transportation process. When they reached the guild though he was put on edge. He didn't like the feel of it. Granted,he had never liked the feel of any of the Mages Guilds. He stayed quiet but was very edgy. He thought the mage teleporting them to Vivec look a little shifty. At least he wasn't wearing mythic dawn robes... Still. Kriak didn't like this. He discreetly cast a mark spell so that he could return if something went wrong. He didn't like everyone being transported separately. When the coin was being discussed Kriak added in, "There's another 300 septims if you can transport all of us simultaneously." The woodsman said.

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Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon - Ald-ruhn Mages Guild



Kriak's offer of an extra three hundred drakes widened the guild guide's eyes. After everyone finished handing in their fares, she took the three hundred from Kriak and pocketed the entire sum.


"Okay, everyone stand still..." She said as she charged the spell.


Before long, the whole group found themselves inside the guild's Vivec chapter alongside Caius, Faeryn, and the Nerevarine. Lecuaro led the way out of the building.


"So...I guess Faeyrn's staying here to speak with Saryoni while we head to the shrine. And Kriak, since you're not going there, you'll be staying either here or in Molag Mar. But all the rest of us are ready, right?" Lecuaro asked once everyone was outside.

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Ayra, City of Almalexia


Ayra turned around and saw a Nord walking over towards her from one of the nearby streets. She recognized the man instantly; standing at a height of 7'4, carrying a nordic battle axe on his back the size of a normal person's torso, and that elegant stride he always had, there could be no mistaking who he was, and for the first time in years, Ayra actually let out a real genuine smile, she was truly happy to see him.


As he continued to walk up to where she was, Ayra noticed all the people occupying the busy streets of Almalexia suddenly split apart, creating a huge path for this giant of a man, as though the people were a sea splitting apart; he had an overwhelmingly strong presence.


As he finally stopped in front of Ayra, he looked her up and down, taking into account how much she's grown since he last saw her, so many years ago...


"How...how did you know..." she struggled to form the words properly.


"Know that it was you? Simple," he said with a grin, "you can drink as many potions as you'd like, but you can't pull a wool over my eyes, just the way you walk is a dead giveaway to me."


Ayra slowly walked over to one of the nearby water fountains and looked at her reflection in the water. She saw a crimson eyed, tattooless, beautiful Dunmer woman staring back at her. She ran her hand slowly across her face, and then stared up into the face of this giant Nord. she was like a little kid, trying to grasp a simple concept, such as 1 and 1 was 2, or something to that effect. She was utterly surprised that he had been able to see through her disguise; no one had ever been able to do that before.


"Ulfgar..." she said slowly, "we need to go to Molag Mar, would you...will you...?" her voice seemed to trail off.


"Accompany you?" he asked, starting to laugh, "I didn't come out all the way to other side of this damned province just to go sight seeing. Of course, if you've got something you have to do, I already told you to call on me if you ever needed me."


Ayra felt happy to hear this. She hadn't felt this particular feeling or emotion in many years.


"Still though..." Ulfgar began, "I've been hearing strange things about a new Imperial Fort just north of Ald Ruhn, I figure if you've called me because of those recent events, then we should probably head there first, and see whats going on."


Ayra shook her head. How could she explain? She didn't know how to, all she knew was that Molag Mar was the place she needed to be, and she needed to get there as soon as she could. Ayra took a deep breath and began, "I...I can't explain it, but I...we need to go to Molag Mar, thats where we need to be..." she managed to say with great effort.


"Molag Mar eh?" The Nord begain, "Well, alright, seems pointless to try and dissuade you, once you make up your mind, thats it, there's just no changing it. Alright, Molag Mar it is. We're going to have a long walk ahead of us," he finished.


And with that, the two of them made their way north.

Edited by NinjaGoddessAyra
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Faeryn Sethandas, Caius Cosades, and Velanya Therys; Vivec Mages Guild


"Aye," Faeryn replied, "I will see all of you, soon - I certainly wish to accompany you on your journey to Mournhold. But until then, goodbye and good luck."


He took a moment to give Velanya a farewell hug before casting Almsivi Intervention and vanishing from sight.


The Knight Errant turned to Lecuaro, "I'm ready."


The Spymaster nodded, "Agreed. Let's get this over with."

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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