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Shadows of Darkest Soul (An Elder Scrolls RP)


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Velanya Therys and Caius Cosades, the Broken Sun, Top Deck


Caius simply nodded to Adrynn's statement, leaning against the railing and watching the moonlit waters lap against the hull of the ship in glittering waves. The Spymaster was lost in thought, half aware of what was going on around him, half immersed in his own mind. So much had happened within the past week that even his sharp brain was having trouble grasping it all. The only way he could operate was by focusing on the future...yet he couldn't forget too much of the recent past without making himself vulnerable to circumstance; everything was connected together - past, present, and future - and each offered clues to the hows and whys of the others. Life was puzzling, and the meddling of the Daedra had made it even more so...


Velanya brushed past her cousin with a sigh, making her way belowdecks to take the first watch with the Nerevarine. Adrynn had tied him up rather efficiently...almost to the point of being ridiculous. Yet Velanya knew that his precautions were outlandish for a reason - the Incarnate was outlandishly strong.


He was waking up and already struggling against his bonds. She simply stood, her hip cocked, one hand on the hilt of Frostfang as she watched him flounder around...well, as much as the rope would allow. All he could manage to do was rock the crate beneath him a bit. The Nerevarine attempted to yell around his gag, but was almost completely muffled. After a few minutes, he finally ceased, panting, watching Velanya with piercing ruby eyes.


"You done?" the Knight Errant asked, meeting those eyes fearlessly with her own burgundy gaze. She felt the brand in her palm pulse a bit.


The Incarnate made no sound as she approached, her heavy boots thudding on the wooden floor. As she stared into those eyes, she noticed how much like Faeryn's they were. Both Dunmer were quite handsome, both with an element of roguish charm, and both were incredible warriors. As her thoughts trailed to the Ordinator, she began to worry for him. Though she knew that Faeryn could more than handle himself, times had changed for the worse, and anything could happen....


For some reason, she was drawn to the Nerevarine. Though they had never personally met before, she suddenly felt connected to him somehow. Velanya took a seat on the crate next to him and watched him. They stared at each other, the Incarnate's eyes filled with rage and hers filled with...pity? Now that she knew he was not himself, controlled by something far more powerful than any of them could imagine, she could not help but feel sorry for him.


She had no idea why she was doing it, but she was taking her gauntlet off...the one that covered her brand. Tentatively, she reached for the Nerevarine's cheek. He shook his head and vibrated with a burst of energy as her hand neared his face, his burning scarlet eyes wide in fright. Her palm throbbed painfully...


...and as she laid that hand on his cheek, it was as if a change had washed over the Nerevarine. He shuddered and went limp for a moment, then leaned his head into her hand, as if it brought relief. His crimson eyes met hers again, and they were obviously different - filled with sadness, despair, and at the same time, thankfulness. She smiled gently, rubbing her thumb against his clammy flesh in a comforting manner.


This was the real Incarnate.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Kriak, Vivec


When the company arrived in the foreign quarter, Kriak bid farewell to his companions. He immediately set about his work. He needed to know about Mythic Dawn agents on the island, he presumed that the largest city would be at the heart of the problem. It would certainly be the best bet at any rate, the influence that poured out of Vivec and the sheer number of people made it the logical choice. He found his few foreign quarter contacts, Mages Guild alchemists, a few freelance apothecaries and an enchantress. His questions were posed like he was just checking in on old friends, he even purchased some things from a few of them and discussed unrelated matters. No one needed to realize he was only digging for information. One did mention a new face though. A sailor who now worked on the ferry at the main docks seemed odd, a little shifty and he talked to someone in the Hlaalu canton quite often. As soon as he heard this, Kriak knew he was on the right track. A dockworker was the perfect cover for a Mythic Dawn agent. Plenty of leave between journeys, sailors usually made a raucous when not on the job so no one would really ask questions. They wouldn't want to know details anyway. A ship would be supremely useful as well. Being an employee he wouldn't need to be searched and could easily stash all manner of illegal or contraband goods on the ship without liability and with very low risk. But this Hlaalu. He was the real prize. A nobleman would have incredible influence and would be able to act without being questioned except by the higher ups in his house. A nobleman also had plenty of resources at his disposal and enough of a fear factor to suppress anyone who had an inkling as to what his plans were. Yes. This was the man Kriak was after.


Kriak made for the Hlaalu Canton under the light of the moons. I was too late for any of his contacts' shops to be open so he checked the bars and taverns of the Canton. Thankfully his most important and influential contacts were frequent tavern goers -wealth afforded such luxuries- and they made no exceptions on this night. That day Kriak thanked his gods that he had bothered to ask one of his Telvanni buyers about amateur alchemists in the city. The nobleman who was the head accountant at the Hlaalu treasury was also an avid alchemist and apothecary. He didn't often ask Kriak for ingredients but when he did they were exceptionally rare and very well paid for. Because of how dear these components came the nobleman and Kriak had had many a discussion on the best way to use them which translated into knowing each other fairly well. Seris Larethi was a good friend by now and he knew everything that happened with House Hlaalu's finances. Kriak sat down to talk with him at the tavern, actually just wanting to catch up. This time it wasn't about information but Larethi gave the best news of the night. Apparently one of the workers at the treasury was very chummy with a new sailor at the docks. The two talked very often. Larethi was curious one day and watched him more closely. The wizened old accountant noticed that the treasurer left the city headed in the direction of an old sea cave. Larethi never pursued it further but found it a little odd. Kriak thought so too. He bought his friend the best drink on the shelf before taking his leave and wishing him well.


Kriak found the cave in question easily enough. He also found plenty of empty bottles, burnt out candles, supplies and a dock of some sort. Plenty of evidence of habitation. There was also the smoking gun: a mythic dawn banner and each volume in Camoran's Commentaries. But it was what Kriak didn't find that disturbed him. There was a dock, but no boat. A clear base, but no inhabitants. They were off doing something. Something that Kriak certainly would not like. He checked the dock for signs. The lichen and moss on the boards was slightly disturbed. Recently. The wet wood poked through in patches, it hadn't dried up again yet. Clear evidence that a lot of boots had been across it, and in a hurry. Kriak thought he should do likewise.


The huntsman headed straight for the main dock. He knew what to expect. There was one large ferry missing, as evidence by the lack of the moorlines. He found a nearby sailor, a little drunk but still coherent. He asked when the ship left and the man said just awhile ago. Kriak asked about who worked the ship and the sailor mentioned someone named several different people, the last person he talked about was named Terel, a strange new fellow that ran off to the Hlaalu Canton and returned just before the ship left port. Kriak started. He shook the sailor sharply, "Which ship is the fastest? Tell me swiftly! This is urgent!"

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Faeryn Sethandas, Vivec High Fane, Ordinator Barracks




"Sala! Open up!"




"By the Three....what-" the door opened and Berel Sala's shirtless bulk greeted Faeryn - despite the former's age, he was still well-toned, just as all the Temple soldiers were, male and female. The Ordinator commander was obviously more than a little surprised when he saw the tell-tale violet scarf, but his widened scarlet eyes quickly narrowed, "Sethandas? Why are you calling at this hour?"


"Because Saryoni is missing, that's why," was Faeryn's curt response, "Where is he?"


"I don't know." Sala's reply was just as clipped, and he made to slam the door in his fellow soldier's face, but Faeryn quickly jammed his body between the door and its facing.


"And why not?"


"Because he did not inform me, perhaps?" Sala shrugged, "Why are you so curious, Sethandas? Where the Archcanon goes and what he does is his busi-"


"He vanished without a trace you n'wah," Faeryn glowered through his mask, "No one saw him leave and yet he is gone! And you don't suspect foul play, Grandmaster?"


"None of my lieutenants have had anything suspicious to report in the last week. So no, I don't."


"You ignorant, bull-headed, arrogant pig!" Faeryn grabbed Sala around the neck with one hand and slammed him into the wall, "The Daedra are at war with each other and we are caught in between! Saryoni is one of the few people we can trust to keep order on this increasingly chaotic island and now he's gone! And because you and your Ordinators didn't do a follow up, we don't know where in Oblivion he is! In fact, he COULD BE IN OBLIVION! Do you understand me!?"


Sala snatched at Faeryn's hand, but he could not remove himself from the angered Dunmer's grip. The Grandmaster snarled, "Get your filthy hands off of me, you-"


"By whose authority, 'Grandmaster'?" Faeryn's grip tightened, "I answer to no-one but the Archcanon. And let me tell you this you slimy coward of a man...if Saryoni is dead, then I will kill you myself."



Velanya Therys, the Broken Sun, Belowdecks


The Knight Errant sat next to the Nerevarine, keeping her branded palm against his cheek. She tilted his face upwards with her other hand, staring deeply into his ruby eyes.


"What happened to you?" she whispered, eager to see if he could say something that would help them in this brief moment of respite.


He took a few deep, gasping breaths, as if he had just surfaced after nearly drowning, "I...sought to...investigate the...Mythic Dawn..."


The Incarnate's face contorted, as if her were in severe pain. Velanya stroked his face and leaned over him, "The Mythic Dawn, yes...what did they do to you?"


"The...Mysterium....Mysterium Xarxes," he gasped, "Holds....the power of Dagon....given to....Mankar Camoran..."


"What do they want?"


"Nirn..." the Incarnate whispered, "A new...Daedric Realm...belonging to Dagon...they seek immortality through...empty promises..."


Velanya could not believe what she was hearing. It was one thing to hear it from Kriak. It was another to have it confirmed by the Nerevarine himself.


"The book. It did something to you," the Knight Errant supplied, "Camoran or Dagon, or maybe both, saw you as a threat and sought to turn you from Azura and then use you as an instrument to bring about this new world."


He nodded, his face contorting again. It was obviously taking every ounce of strength he had in addition to the small trickle of sanity Azura was providing through Velanya's touch to keep Dagon's power at bay. The Knight Errant was almost moved to tears as she saw him suffer so. She leaned closer and pressed her lips to his cold, clammy forehead, kissing him gently and looking him in the eyes.


"I promise you...we will free you from Dagon's hold if it is the last thing we do."

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Kriak, Vivec Docks


The sailor that Kriak had interrogated pointed towards what appeared to be a very swift coastal sloop. It had a very shallow draft and a large sail, it wasn't meant for the deep see but it would certainly cut through the water quickly with the right winds. Based on her colors and her make Kriak guessed that she was a smuggler's vessel. The faded black lettering on the stern supported that, Daedroth's Wind an overly intimidating and bragadocious title didn't completely confirm Kriak's suspicions but it definitely lent more validity to them. He found the captain in a cozy cabin with the first and second mates playing dice, sipping on a variety of different drinks-all very expensive. Skooma, shein, sujamma, and Cyrodiilic brandy bottles were all on the table with some particularly shiny septims spread out on the map that served as their playing surface. The cabin was small but by no means quaint. A large wine rack dominated one side of the room along with a tall shelf filled with square compartments that held numerous maps, charts and scrolls. The captain's bed was on one wall with very opulent coverings, opposite this was a desk with a fine ink bottle and quill along with several rare books. Smugglers indeed.


The men didn't even look up when Kriak entered, only when he stopped behind the captain did they pause their game. "Can I 'elp you sir?" The nordic captain said with a heavy Skyrim accent, his mates were a particularly broad Khajiit with jet black fur save for very long white whiskers and some markings around his eyes and mouth, the second mate was a very shifty looking Imperial with a jagged scar down his cheek and another across his nose.


"How fast can you reach Molag Mar?" Kriak asked.


"If we leave now? Hmmm, if we're not haulin' more than we got aboard now, then I'd say by midday tomorrow. The Daedroth's Wind is the swiftest sloop in Tamriel. Now what cargo have ye' in mind?" The captain had a slight spark in his eyes, he smelled not only gold but a challenge and his piercing blue stare clearly indicated that he had a deep love for both.


"Myself and everything on me. Now let's get going." Kriak said matter-of-factly and staring at the two mates. They grinned broadly and roused the rest of the small crew before tossing off the mooring lines and unfurling the sails. They knew full well that the captain would take the task. The stranger would pay whatever price they negotiated, one way or another.


"Aye, let us. Now what is a fair price hmmm?" The captain smiled, "For how fast we'll be going... oh... 500 septims?" His shifty glance roved over the huntsman's equipment, Kriak had long since thrown his hunting garb over his armor but little bits of it could be seen and the glimmering pearl of his dagger was still quite visible. "Or... if ye lack the coin, I could take that pretty dagger off your hands..."


Kriak produced a sack of gold coins and tossed them on the table. "There's 500, and there's another 250 if we're there at 10 rather than midday." Kriak replied, as he tossed out the coins the captain's smile faded slightly, he had really wanted the dagger but the extra 250 septims motivated him.


"Well then Mr....?"




"Well then Mr. Kriak, let's get on deck and get this ship sailing!" The captain bellowed and headed to the deck of the ship.


The whole journey Kriak fed the sails with his magics, he had never been particularly adept at weather magic but he could use the winds enough to prevent the ship from stalling in doldrums or losing ground in a gust. Storms would be another matter but those had other elements to them. Other elements that Kriak knew better.

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Adrynn Indarys, The Broken Sun, to Molag Mar


Adrynn sighed. He felt better than he had in a long time. He didn't know if it was from the sea air, or Garila safely in his arms, or whether they were finally moving to save the Nerevarine. All he knew is that he was content. Not happy, but content. He stood there for what seemed like forever, just holding Garila and gently rocking with the swaying of the ship. He opened his eyes when he felt a small tickle at the base of his skull. Something was pushing him to check on the Nerevarine and Velanya. Not feeling defiant, he gently kissed Garila on the neck, squeezed her softly, and moved toward the cargo hold. He opened the door, moved down the steps, and froze. Velanya was holding the Incarnate by the face, her body tense. But she wasn't angry, she was . . . worried. The look on the Incarnate's face had Adrynn across the room in three long strides. He crouched down beside his cousin and their charge, carefully watching the Incarnate. He couldn't believe it. It was him. Not the doppleganger that they had battled and fought against. No, this was the true Incarnate.


"Nerevarine? Is that truely you?" Adrynn asked in a hushed tone. The Nerevarine's tightly shut eyes opened momentarily. They were clear. Filled with pain, remorse, sorrow, and a hint of rage, but the madness was gone. At least for now. Adrynn felt his brand flash in a blindy wave of heat. He winced and did as his body demanded, laying his hand on the Incarnate's chest. The Nerevarine shuddered in pain and blinked several times, but Adrynn knew that with him and Velanya there, the Incarnate was surfacing.


"Y-you. I remember . . . you," the Incarnate rasped. Adrynn nodded. "You were there at . . . . Kogoruhn. You . . . challenged . . . me. Well . . . not me. Him. The other one."


Adrynn nodded again. "Yes, and I would have lost were it not for my companion," he said, his face grim. He could feel a shadowy yet powerful grip on his shoulder. Azura was pouring everything she could into him without ripping him to pieces to push back the evil that laced her champion. Adrynn's face tightened, but he remained steady. He hoped that Azura's influence would keep the Nerevarine there long enough.


"Caius . . . Where is . . . Caius?" the Incarante asked, his eyes trying to focus. "Tell him . . . I'm sorry . . . I . . . was only trying . . . to do what . . . I needed," he rasped again.


Adrynn pressed his branded palm further against the Incarnate's chest. He turned, hoping his voice would carry. "CAIUS!!!!"

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Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon - The Broken Sun, Top Deck


Lecuaro had been thoughtfully leaning against the side of the captain's cabin facing Vvardenfell. It felt strangely comforting, seeing the landscape pass by from a boat out at sea. But as the journey brought the ship past the ancient Daedric ruin of Bal Fell, his stomach churned. Daedra worshipers weren't known for their morality, and they certainly weren't above piracy.


And then, as if fate's whim had soured, Lecuaro spotted a small, sleek ship darting through a straight passage through the many islets between Bal Fell and the open waters. As the craft drew closer, Lecuaro could make out two people with crossbows and a third charging some sort of magic.


"Uh, guys......." Lecuaro started to say as he started toward Caius and Garila and unsheathed his katana.


He was cut short by the whistling of a crossbow's bolt and the thunk of it's impact shortly thereafter. One of the crewmen fell to the ground screaming in pain, the wayward bolt piercing his left arm.


"Bloody PIRATES!" Another crewman yelled as he scooped up a hammer and hurled it at the incoming boat, which was mere paces away by that point.


The hammer easily reached the ship's deck, and it managed to catch one of the less attentive pirates off guard, striking him in the eye. In response, the mage Lecuaro had seen earlier loosed a couple of fireballs.


"Damn n'wahs!" Captain Arteso exclaimed as he and another crew member tended to their wounded shipmate.


"Captain, c'mon, we need to get you and everyone else down below. Now." Lecuaro said as he helped pull the injured Dunmer to his feet and get him to the hatch.


"Caius, Garila, get the others down here!" Lecuaro yelled as he tore open the hatch door. "Adrynn! Get up here! We've got trouble!" He said as he pushed Arteso and the others down the steps.


"Velanya, you stay and keep Nerevar under control." Lecuaro said as he stepped aside for Adrynn, who was already up the stairs.


"All right Redoran, we've got some asses to kick." He said before dodging another fireball from the mage.

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Adrynn Indarys, The Broken Sun, Top Deck


Adrynn pushed his lean bulk up the stairs to the top deck, narrowly missing a whizzing firebolt from his left. He spun and nearly laughed at how few men there were, but thought better about it after a crossbow bolt embedded itself in the beam beside his head. He glanced around to get a quick summary of the situation. Five pirates in a sloop armed with crossbows and a mage, versus himself, Lecuaro, Caius, and the ship's crew. His earlier mood was completely gone now, replaced by annoyance.


If killing a few pirates would get them to Molag Mar, then so be it, he thought grimly. He ducked another potshot for his head and slung his arm out over the side of the ship. A swirling wave of ice erupted from his fingers and churned across the sea to the pirate's boat. It was more of a distraction than anything. The tell-tale glass shattering ring of a ward breaking confirmed his fears that these were experienced pirates, more than used to raiding ships carrying mages. But he was no ordinary mage.


"Lecuaro! Light them up!" Adrynn exclaimed over the yelling and cursing of the pirates, who were mere feet away now. He snatched an oil lantern off of the side of the ship and with expert precision, hurled it into the pirate's midst. He heard it a hiss of pain as the heavy iron cage hit a pirate and knocked him to the floor.


"Throw it out, throw it out!!!" one hissed, distracted. Adrynn sent a ice spike through his neck.


"Who wants roasted pirate?!" Adrynn taunted, waiting for the commander to act.

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Ayra and Ulfgar, enroute to Molag Mar


The pair had been walking in silence along the smooth clear surface of the Inner Sea for what seemed like forever. Neither one of them spoke or, for that matter, showed any sign of fatigue as they continued to walk to their destination.


After a while Ayra looked down at the clear surface of the sea and saw her blue eyed tattooed face staring back at her. She knew that wasn't a good sign. She needed to drink her next batch of Potion of Concealment before they got to Molag Mar, so that the rest of the world would see nothing but a typical, crimson-eyed, tattooless Dunmer woman. The problem was, as handy as the potion was, it only lasted so many hours, before wearing off. She hated having to rely on something like this, but knew that to go out in public the way she was would just hurt even more. She thought for a moment as she continued ever onward to Molag Mar, that she'd drink the next one when she drew close to the city. After all, no one but Ulfgar was going to see them on the vast open sea. But suddenly, Ulfgar suddenly spoke. It was the first sentence either of them had said in hours.


"Well look over there," he said in his heavy Northern accent. "What do you suppose that is? Seems like a pirate raid."


Ayra glanced over there, and indeed saw two ships in what looked to her as a battle that was only starting to take place. She noticed how the men on the two ships had not yet directly exchanged blows, but rather were attackign long range. She also noticed many people suddenly rushing to get below deck, and realized this battle must have just begun. Could this be why she was to come to Molag Mar?


"Well," Ulfgar sighed, readying his battle axe "looks like I get to have some fun after all. You'll have to excuse me Ayra, but there's just no way I'd miss something like this." And with that he ran off to join the battle.


Ayra merely stared after him. She looked down at her reflection once, drank her potion in one gulp, and decided to head over there as well, as nothing more than an average looking Dunmer.


Unlike Ulfgar who was practically jumping with joy at the sight of combat, Ayra didn't care much for fighting, she simply strode across the water casually, in no hurry at all. As she got closer she looked at the people fighting. "Which side is in the right?," she thought to herself. "Who's side do I take?"


She simply stood there, not far off from the battle, and watched as Ulfgar went on to lend a hand, all the while, staying back and watching. She didn't know what to do. Usually someone orders her to fight, now that she's on her own....what does she do?

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Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon - The Broken Sun, Top Deck



Lecuaro dodged a couple more crossbow bolts while he primed a fireball in his off hand. Once it was ready, he launched it at the spilled oil from Adrynn's thrown lantern. The oil went up instantly, engulfing a small portion of the sloop's top-deck in flames. The mage immediately set about trying to quell the fire while the crossbowmen moved farther out, and the lone remaining swordsman made a leap for the Broken Sun's hull. He managed to clear gap and grab the railing.


After pulling himself up, he flung a few throwing stars at Adrynn and Lecuaro before coming in with his saber under the crossbowmen's cover.

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Caius Cosades, the Broken Sun, Top Deck


Caius slid his katana from its sheath and crouched low next to the railing of the ship. As the swordsman charged past, completely oblivious to the Spymaster's presence, Caius jumped up and thrust the katana cleanly between the sections of the pirate's chitin breastplate. He pushed the pirate off of the blade with a grunt and ducked down again, barely managing to miss being hit by another volley of bolts.



Velanya Therys, the Broken Sun, Cargo Hold


The Knight Errant heard the sounds of battle above and cursed, "Dammit! Can nothing ever be easy?"

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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