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Dar'krinji. Fort Floodgate, Lecuaro's Office


As Lecuaro walked down into the basement, Dar gave Kriak a quick glance, then followed.

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Edward Wildeve, Indarys Manor, Bal Isra


Edward walked from his room groggily, still half asleep. He could hear unfamiliar voices, rubbing the sleep from his eyes he walked into the eating chamber, his sword sitting on his shoulder. Immediately he spied the two new voices, a Dunmer woman in imperial armour and a bald man... both eating food. Edward walked past them casually and found his own breakfast, eating it quietly, his sword leaning against the bar.

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Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon - Fort Floodgate, Office Hallway



Lecuaro glanced behind him and saw Dar-Krinji following behind, but Kriak was nowhere in sight.



"Ah well...he'll probably appear out of thin air down there like usual." Lecuaro thought to himself.


The pair headed down a series of hallways and down a few staircases until they finally came to a plain, unfurnished wooden door that was unlike the others. He turned to the Khajiit with a small grin.


"Let's see if you can pick this lock." He said, glancing at the door's keyhole.

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Dar'krinji. Fort Floodgate, Lecuaro's Office


Dar looked at Lecuaro, wondering if he seriously meant this as his task. After a few seconds of studying him, he turned to pick the lock. He dug into his baggy, raggedy sack cloth pants, and into one of the many pockets inside his pants. He then pulled out a worn lockpick, stuck it into the lock, and in a few seconds the lock *popped*.


Dar turned to Lecuaro and laughed, "Is that sufficient, Breton?"

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Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon - Fort Floodgate, Basement Entrance



"Not bad." Lecuaro said as he opened the door and led the way down a narrow, earthen passage.



After a bit, the hallway opened up into a fairly small chamber with piles of timber stacked up against the walls and a few soldiers standing guard. Lecuaro walked up to one of them to tell them to set up the stealth course.



"Gurzob, I need you men to set up the stealth course down here. Dar'Krinji here needs to run it." He said to an Orc in imperial armor as he walked up to him.



"Yessir, we'll set it up right away." Gurzob replied.



As the men set to work building the stealth course, Lecuaro turned to Dar'Krinji.



"Best get ready. I'll be watching from the little observation post." He said.

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Velanya Therys, Bal Isra, Indarys Manor


When Garila remained silent, seemingly lost in thought, Velanya decided not to press the question. She resumed eating in silence. Caius offered nothing but a raised brow and sideways glance.


A young, black-haired man walked into the room sleepily, brushing past her on his way to a seat. He settled into his breakfast without a word, and she briefly wondered what an....Imperial? Breton?...would be doing at a Redoran stronghold. But then again, she couldn't really talk, could she? Here she was, an outlander Dunmer of the Imperial Legion, sitting beside a Blades Spymaster.


She finished her breakfast and pushed her plate back. Caius, too, had finished his meal, and they both rose from their seats.


"We thank you again for your hospitality, Lady Indarys," Caius said, "it is most appreciated. If we may see your trader, we shall then be on our way."


Velanya looked at the black-haired man, who had paused his scratching fork and was looking over his shoulder at them...

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Garila Indarys, Bal Isra


Garila snapped out of her silent worry and glanced at Cassius. "Um, yes of course you may. When you exit the front door, go to the left and up the hill. The Manor Services hut has a smith and a trader."


Looking around momentarily, she glanced back at Velanya. "Velanya, his name is Adrynn . . . Adrynn Indarys, House Father of Great House Redoran and a good man. If you see him, tell him to not get hurt. He does have people to worry about," she smiled sadly.


Noticing Edward had finally arrived, she smiled a bit more. "Edward, I see you decided to finally wake up."

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Dar'krinji. Fort Floodgate, Basement


As Lecuaro left to sit in his observation post, Dar sat down in the corner. He pulled out his pipe from his pants and smoked some skooma, waiting for the course to be set up.

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Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon - Fort Floodgate, Training Basement



It did not take long for the men to set up the course. After all, they'd been doing it at least once a week along with the combat course for a while now. Within the hour, it was ready. Lecuaro looked over in the corner at Dar'Krinji from the small observation tower.



"Alright, Dar'Krinji. It's time. Remember, while you must be fairly quick, you also must not be caught. Four rooms, each door locked, and my men there will be in them. Get through without being detected and without taking too terribly long and you will pass." The Breton said.

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Dar'krinji. Fort Floodgate, Basement


Lecuaro said to start, so he did


"Four rooms, locked doors, lots of guards," Dar thought, "Time to get it done."


Dar started walking into the first room, he hid behind a piece of wood. Two guards were standing near the door, talking. Dar took a gold coin out of his pocket, and threw it into the corner. The guards, hearing the fall of money, ran to investigate. Dar sprinted to the door and unlocked it, slipping through, and passing the first room.


The second room had a guard near the door, and two patrolling. Dar hopped onto a barrel, and leaped on top of a upright piece of timber, almost touching the ceiling. He climbed across the rafters, because why walk? When the patrolling guards were furthest from the door, Dar chipped off a bit of wood from the rafters, and threw it on the other side of a small wooden wall in front of the door. Noticing the sound, the guard readied for Dar'krinji's arrival. But while the guard waited for him to appear from behind the wall, Dar slipped down from the rafters, unlocked the door, and finished the second room.


The third room had several guards patrolling, and two at the gate. Dar, seeing no way to reach the rafters, knew he would have to be a little more clever here. Dar eased his way down the small alleys, using his catlike senses to attempt to predetermine if a guard was approaching. As he was reaching the door, Dar knew he would need to get these guards away from the door. He spotted a guard, lazily sitting against a wall, half drunk, with a pint of ale clumsily rocking between his fingers. Dar jumped up onto the timber wall, knowing this guard wouldnt notice him, and took out his skooma pipe. Dar took an enormous breath of skooma in, and blew it onto the guard. Not noticing this cloud he was in, the guard breathed this skooma, like it was great air, and passed out. Dar leaped down, and before the guard hit the ground, Dar snatched it out of his had, drinking half, and saving the other half. His drink of the ale told him it was heavily watered down, and would be perfect for what he intended. Dar crept toward the door, and when he was close enough, he threw the ale onto the torch near the door, putting the two guards at the door in darkness. The shouted for backup, but by the time it arrived, the door was unlocked, and Dar was gone.


The last room had many more guards than the others, but Dar thought nothing of it. He knew what had to be done. The course was set up perfectly for him to evade sight by these guards time and time again, and soon reached the door. But the multitude of guards at the door made it seem impassible, and may have been for others. Dar simply stepped out of his cover, and the guards stared at him, wondering what his plan could've been. Staring actually was his plan, and Dar tapped into a natural power of the Khajiit, the Eye of Fear. As the guards looked, and overwhelming fear came upon them, and one by one, they turned and ran, or cowered before him. Dar then simply walked up to the door, unlocked it, and finished the final room.


He then turned to Lecuaro's observation tower, and pounded his chest in triumph.

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