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Dar'krinji. Fort Floodgate


"Great work woodsman, I never considered the hunt to be my strong suit anyways."


Dar applauded Kriaks work and jumped down to where he and Lecuaro stood.

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Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon - Fort Floodgate, The Second Challenge


Lecuaro peered between two barrels at Kriak as he spoke to his phantom decoy. So, the huntsman's eye was capable of being fooled after all. As Kriak talked to Dar'Krinji and the ghost, the Breton silently belly crawled over to the walls edge, took a rope he had strapped to his waist, secured it around a chunk of stone, and rappelled down into the northern courtyard.


Predictable, eh......I think you underestimate the intelligent folks of this realm, woodsman. - he thought to himself as he stole away into the fort's hallways.



As he closed the door behind him, he spoke the word that dispelled his spectral doppelganger. He only wished he could see the look on his two pursuers' faces as they realized they'd been had. I'm not caught yet. - he told himself. He was glad that Sorinyarie had showed him that illusion trick a couple months earlier.

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Dar'krinji. Fort Floodgate


As the spectral breton vanished, Dar snarled in anger, bewildered that he had not seen this. He hadn't thought about how this fake had no smell, not even a hint of stoneflower, as he should have.


Dar turned around swiftly, spotting a rope hanging from the wall. He ran up to the wall and looked down, seeing Lecuaro's footprints in the mud leading to the hall. Dar jumped off the wall and down to the ground sprinting to the door. He harshly whipped open the door, and breathed deep of the hall's air, searching for the scent of stoneflower..

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Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon - The Second Challenge


Lecuaro had many tricks. He knew the fort like the back of his hand and the variety of employees and soldiers at the fort had given him a lot of tips for various things. He knew Dar'Krinji would be the first responder, but he also knew that he'd still be looking for the stoneflower's scent. As the commander passed by a small storeroom, he took the pouch of stoneflower petals and tossed it behind a large cask. With the stoneflower gone, his backup scent hider, a special mixture of lichens and scathecraw leaves, stepped in. He proceeded down the hall with his new odor alias. Dar'Krinji still wouldn't be able to smell him and now he'd waste even more time looking for the now-abandonded stoneflower pouch. As he passed by his soldiers and staff, they all gave him grins and smirks as they saw the red headband, which was his symbol for indicating that the hunting challenge was in effect. They had all the rest of the day as he figured...and that was a lot. It wouldn't even be noon for a couple hours yet.



Kriak's eye was Lecuaro's only major concern at the moment. He had tricks, but he didn't know Kriak...and that made it that much harder to deceive him. Kriak's natural astuteness didn't help matters either.

Edited by SoulofChrysamere
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Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon - Fort Floodgate, The Second Challenge



As Lecuaro stayed moving, he wondered how long his magicka would last. Creating a ghostly copy was expensive. Having it move was even more expensive. Maintaining a mobile ghostly copy while simultaneously staying invisible so as to make the copy look like him, virtually bankrupting. He drank a vial of fluid and felt some of his magicka return. He'd still have to be careful though...he didn't have infinite vials and he couldn't keep pulling such lavish ploys all day.

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Dar'krinji. Fort Floodgate


Dar burst into a small storeroom, which reeked of stoneflower. He found a small pouch of petals sitting behind a barrel and roared in fury.


"I tire of this cat and mouse chase!" He shouted


Dar flicked his left earring, crafted of madness ore of the Shivering Isles, and whispered very softly, "Hey, madgod, can you help me out? I need to find a Breton. I will give you anything in this room for some help here."


As he said it, three forks, and a chainmail vest floated out of there boxes in this storage room, and vanished in a greenish light. In there stead stood a flesh atronach. This creature looked at Dar with a dull gaze, peering at, into, and through him. He pulled out the object he had taken as a scent identifier, and held it to the atronach. It looked at it, then looked around, searching for Lecuaro's life essence. It then stared in one direction, then sprinted off, with Dar right behind.

Edited by nethgros
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Edward Wildeve, Indarys Manor, Bal Isra


Edward smiled, he was suddenly glad these strangers had appeared. "I would be only too glad to accept, I have been quite anxious to rejoin Adrynn or see a change of scene".


He looked at his new companions, as if for the first time... "if you plan to leave soon I best gather my things".

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Velanya Therys, Bal Isra, Indarys Manor


"Welcome aboard, Edward," said Velanya with a grin, "it'll be a pleasure, I'm sure."


"Go ahead and get your things," Caius continued, "We'll be off to Manor Services for a few essential items, and you can meet us there."


The two Blades thanked Garila Indarys one last time, then left the manor house, eager to be on their way. As they went, Velanya wondered about "Cassius's" plans for Edward...and she was sure he had some.

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As soon as Dar arrived and Lecuaro hadn't stood up Kriak realized something was amiss. He closed one eye behind his hair and sent it to come the castle. He saw the real commander behind the boxes and then repel down the courtyard. This time Kriak would not be as careless, he slipped a small ring on to his finger and suddenly his vision changed, why waste magicka when you can have a trinket do it for you? As soon as the doppelganger dissappeared and Dar left Kriak ran off after the commander, still within his vision. Kriak was much taller and had a greater stride than the commander, that coupled with not having to snake through halls and being slightly more athletic after years of running from place to place made Kriak catch up to the commander extremely quickly. Kriak hit a corner of a wall and melded into the shadows therein. As the commander came creeping down a hall, and Kriak knew it was the commander, his detect life spell proved it to be an actual being rather than some magical projection, an arm stuck out from a dark spot on the wall and clothes-lined the commander, tilting and releasing a vile of a strange purple liquid that trickled right to the commander's lips. Suddenly the commander's legs were wrapped with strands of rope weighted by metal orbs. Kriak stood behind the commander, one arm still in the wall, "Well, well, well, I think we've been here before commander. And I don't believe a doppelganger will help you this time. Or any of your magical tricks, that serum that just hit you, wether you injested it when you gasped before or not, has drained all of your magicka reserves. And if you didn't injest it your pores will absorb it just as rapidly. Now are we done with these silly games? Hunting usually ends with a kill and neither of these little games has brought that, I grow bored." Kriak said mildly annoyed with the triviality of the two trials, although slightly challenging they don't quite compare to fighting hordes of Drakar in the middle of a thunderstorm on an ashen plane amidst volcanoes on Saros.
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Velanya Therys, Bal Isra


Velanya and Caius entered the small Manor Services hut. There, they bartered with the trader, Lliros, for some various restoration potions, scrolls of intervention, and rations of dried saltrice and scrib jerky. Afterwards, they waited on Edward to join them, leaning up against the upstairs foyer wall. Across the way, a young smith worked away on what appeared to be a scabbard. Remembering her skirmish from the previous night, Velanya decided to see if the smith could work on her ebony longsword. It had more than a few nicks in the blade, and she preferred for her weapon's edge to remain smooth.


Cautiously, she approached the smith, "Excuse me. Are you too busy, right now?"

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