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Dar'krinji. Fort Floodgate


As Kriak killed the two remaining shaman, a man appeared into the fray, cutting open a myriad of foes with his blade.


"I am not going to miss out on this!" He thought to himself


And with that he leaped from the wall, headfirst, landing on an ashlander, but not before snapping his neck during the fall. Dar pounced from the corpse of this ashlander, tearing out the throat of another. He stood up and began shredding those around him, not causing an extreme ammount of damage, but scaring them badly. Dar proceded to shove his claws deep into each of their throats, not bothering to watch them bleed to death. He just continued killing, for the fun.

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Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon - Fort Floodgate, Eastern Wall


Lecuaro smirked as he watched the battlemages at the back fall to Dar'Krinji and Kriak. But then, he saw a second group of Ashlanders approaching from further back. Damn it...not more of them. As they drew closer, he noticed something else -- bonemold armor. What the hell? Where did they get this? He frantically shouted for Dar'Krinji to get back up on the wall and waved to Kriak to return. He glanced over at Adrynn and then seeing the arrow in his chest, ran over.



"It appears you've got a souvenir, Redoran." He said as he began undoing Adrynn's cuirass.

Edited by SoulofChrysamere
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Dar'krinji. Fort Floodgate


Dar heard Lecuaro's call for his return, so he took two of the daggers from his belt, and leaped up onto the wall. He shoved the daggers into the cracks weathered into the wall, and began to climb. As he reached the top he noticed The breton held the dunmer in his arms, and a arrow was lodged in his chest. He said to Lecuaro, "What is it? You want medical help? I am no doctor, I only kill."

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Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon - Fort Floodgate, The Eastern Wall



"I don't know if we'll need a healer. I still don't see any blood and he's not woozy, so I don't think the arrow went far if it went in at all." Lecuaro said.



He jostled Adrynn a bit. He appeared alert, but Lecuaro wanted to be sure. He pulled a small pouch out of his pocket and handed it to Dar'Krinji.



"One of the healers here, Trilvan Sarothril, gave me this. Get his scent from the bag, go find him, and bring him here." The Breton said.



He watched the Khajiit speed off and then looked over his archers raining arrows down on the Ashlanders and Sorinyarie and the other battlemages doing the same with spells. The bonemold-clad Dunmer arrived just in time to meet a curtain of ice and electricity that went surging through the Ashlander ranks. Damn it, Kriak...get up here or you're gonna become collateral. As Lecuaro finished this thought, he saw an imperial armor uniform alongside a Blades uniform near the back of the ranks. What? What the hell are they doing down there?!



Lecuaro took a small stone from his pouch. Please tell me you have yours on you. He thought as he bellowed into the stone.



"Hey! This is Lecuaro Marczon, this fort's commander! You and your Legion friend get your asses out of there! Come around to the western edge of the fort!." Just as he finished, he noticed a third member of their party. "And bring the other one too!"

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Dar'krinji. Fort Floodgate


Lecuaro told Dar to get the healer, so he did. He ran down the halls, not looking where he was going, but rather smelling his path. He came upon a room with an old man in it, "I assume you are Trilvan Sarothril? The commander requests your aid at the east battlements, might wanna keep your head down though." The old man got up, and started walking to the east wall with Dar, and a weary look on his face.

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Edward Wildeve, Outside Fort Floodgate


Edward turned around, a massive group of Ashlander reinforcements, clad in bonemold armor were running to join the rest of their army. Edward was grossly outnumbered and was about to make an escape when magic started raining down on the bonemold warriors, killing a good few. He turned and saw the fort firing a second wave of magic, one that would come dangerously close to him. Edward slid hastily down his rock, taking cover.


More of the warriors died yet they continued charging and as they reached him, Edward realized he was surrounded.

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Velanya Therys, Outside Fort Floodgate


Velanya paid no heed to Caius or Edward, charging straight at one of the battlemages. He did not break his concentration as she let loose her battlecry...but the bodyguards did. They wheeled on her, snarling and crouching like rabid wolves.


A glint of silver streaked through the air, and a throwing dagger imbedded itself up to the hilt in the shaman's chest. The bodyguards faltered in surprise, and she took this moment to attack. She killed a man with every slash, the newly repaired Frostfang cutting through their chitin cuirasses with ease - leaving streaks of hoarfrost in its wake.


Suddenly, the rear of the battlefield was alight with fire, and Velanya glanced up in time to see the other two battlemages destroyed by a sickly flame. She thought she glimpsed a tall man in hunter's garb, but he moved so quickly, she couldn't keep track. A mage from the Fort?


The army, with the battlemages destroyed, was no longer empowered. But suddenly, a new threat appeared...more Ashlanders clad from head to toe in bonemold were running to reinforce the rear flank.


Caius, where the hell are you? she thought, her eyes frantically scanning her surroundings. She caught a glimpse of Edward taking on a few of the archers, but the Blade was nowhere in sight.


She suddenly heard a high whistling, and she dove behind a cairn as a volley of arrows screamed through the air and rained on the rear archers. Half of them were decimated by this attack, but it was far too close for comfort. She yelled over the cairn in the Fort's general direction, "Oh, that's fine! Just kill me too while you're at it!"


At this moment, the bonemold-clad warriors reached the field. A wave of magic - ice and lightning - slammed into them and killed some, but they just kept coming and coming....


From one side, she saw Edward crouching near a rock. He was surrounded by them. Velanya growled, and launched herself from the cairn, sprinting towards Edward at breakneck speed, her sword swinging wildly. The warriors suddenly turned on her - it was as if her Imperial uniform was a magnet, drawing the Ashlanders' attention. As a portion of the warriors pulled away from Edward, a gap opened, and she screamed over the din of the battle, "Run Edward! Get to Fort! The west side is clear! Go! GO!"


But as she came to Edward's rescue, Velanya suddenly realized that there was nowhere for her to escape. Some of the rear flank had turned their backs on the Fort and now headed towards her, yelling battlecries as they came. The bonemold-clad warriors closed in from the other side, forming a circle about her. They would kill her quickly. Unless...


Alright, that's it! she thought, gathering her magicka. With a wave of her arms, she unleashed the adrenaline-fueled magic in the form of her favorite spell: poisonbloom.


A burst of green energy exploded in front of her, knocking the nearest Ashlanders ten feet into the air. She wasted no time, and even as the poison drained their lives away, she charged them the moment they landed on their backs, plunging her sword into the eyeslits of their helms.

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Kriak heard the commander's shouts but ignored them. He was far more potent in the fray than atop a wall, true he was in more danger but you can't slice someone open with a sword from 50 feet above them. Kriak noticed the reinforcements coming quickly. Ethereal bolts of lightning and hoarfrost slammed into the bonemold warriors, stalling them but not for long. Kriak put up his bow and switched hands with his shortsword, taking it in his right with a traditional grip and wielding his dagger in the other pointed backwards. Kriak was about to charge an ashlander in a more ornate form of bonemold that seemed to be calling the shots when he noticed a legionnaire fighting for her life in a circle of ashlanders. He swore under his breath at his own conscience and leaped into the circle with her just as she unleashed a devastating spell sending many of the ashlanders back.


Kriak stood behind Velanya with his back to her and cut the ashlanders to ribbons. Despite the superior make of bonemold his strange shortsword and dagger cut through the second skin like it was nothing. The blades had slight dark tendrils swirling around them, a clear sign that the wielder was just as much responsible for their cutting power as the forger. Kriak and Velanya's fierce attacks were beginning to unnerve the ashlanders as they began to keep their distance more. But then an ashlander in more ornate bonemold with strange ruinic markings all over his armor stepped forward with an ebony longsword What?! Where did these savages get ahold of that! Kriak said to himself. You've got to be kidding me. he thought as the warrior's other hand began to glow brightly, this time the ashlander battlemage wasn't going to be quite so stupid and had prepared a shock spell. This will actually take some work.


Kriak didn't wait for the battlemage to advance but rather threw himself into the battlemage, head butting him, which despite the armor's strength the assualt still made him stagger and delayed the spell ever so slightly. The battlemage swung with his sword, quite adeptly, towards Kriak's exposed neck. Kriak only just had time to parry with his shortsword and was pushed back slightly as he did so. The blade came crashing down again, with more force and focus this time. Kriak only just managed to block the blade this time. But now he had the mage. He put all of his power in his left hand that supported the tip-end of the sword on the flat side and forced it upward as he dragged down with his right hand. The battlemage kept pressure on but now their blades had locked and the longsword slid towards the hilt of Kriak's shortsword. A satisfying click echoed slightly as the longsword fell neatly into one of the grooves at the hilt of Kriak's blade, made just for such an occasion. Kriak deftly twisted his wrist sending the ebony longsword in a crazy spin into the sky. The battlemage scowled from behind the helm and then focused all his efforts on his spell hand. Just as the powerful spell was about to be loosed the mage screeched in pain as the dagger in Kriak's hand drove straight through the mage's palm and into his wrist shattering bones and slicing through tendons and ligaments as it did. The energy escaped in the form of tendrils of magic energy that crawled to the pearl on the dagger's pommel.


Kriak let go of the dagger as the battlemage grabbed his wrist with the dagger still in it. Kriak caught the longsword with the hand that had held the dagger across his body and as the battlemage fell to his knees in agony he brought the blade to bear slicing through the bonemold helm and crushing the ashlander's skull. Kriak quickly removed the dagger from the mage's wrist and sheathed it as well as the scabbard for the ebony longsword Seems I have a new toy. Kriak switched his shortsword to his left hand and the ebony longsword to his right and began slahsing through the ashlanders towards the exterior of the main fighting. He had done well to kill this many but this was quickly becoming a losing battle, those on the ground were running out of stamina and the ashlander's just kept coming.


"Time to go!" Kirak hollared to Velanya. "Take my hand and I'll teleport us to the walltop!"


OOC>If I'm gone and someone takes my hand for the teleport offer, just assume say we meld into the shadows and step out on the battlements with Lecuaro and the rest of the gang.

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Velanya Therys, Outside Fort Floodgate


From out of nowhere, the mage in hunter's garb was at her back, and the two's attacks left Ashlander bodies strewn in a circle about them. She did not stop to ask or wonder why he was helping her, simply grateful for the assistance. But it was getting worse, despite their best efforts - there were just too many, and they were coming too fast.


Over the din of battle she heard him shout to take hold his hand. She hesitated for split second, looking for Edward, then slipped her free hand into his...and they vanished from the field.


Caius Cosades, Outside Fort Floodgate


From his position behind a large boulder covered with red lichen, Caius felt a warmth in his pocket, and he heard a muffled yell. He produced a pebble that was screaming in Lecuaro's voice to get to the western side of the Fort.


He grinned, looking down at the two hog-tied Ashlanders at his feet. He spoke into the pebble, hoping Lecuaro recognized his voice, "Oh, no, Marczon. I don't see you risking your pampered Breton hide out here. You come to me."

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Kriak, Fort Floodgate Battlements


"I brought a friend with me gentlemen." Kriak said then approached Adrynn, "Adrynn, how many Daedra can you control at once? Assume magicka is not an object. How many before you would loose control over them?" Kriak said with a grim expression and a strange gleam in his eyes as he toyed with something in a bag. "We need to end this, and end it quickly before the others out there are just-" Kriak cleared his throat and looked pointedly at Lecuaro, "Collateral."

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