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Shadows of Darkest Soul (An Elder Scrolls RP)


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Dar'krinji. Fort Floodgate


Dar approached the eastern wall with the healer just in time to see Kriak arrive with another Dunmer, "Of course, more Dunmer."


Dar sat down on a crate and spoke out, "You all obviously have this handled without me. I think I'm just going to sit here and enjoy some skooma." And with that he took out his pipe, and begun the smoking, watching everyone scurrying around so frantically.

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Adrynn Indarys, Fort Floodgate, Battlements


Cursing himself, Adrynn didn't wait for the healer and snapped the arrow off in the armor, ignoring the cutting pain in his chest. It hadn't penetrated deep at all. Just a flesh wound. Noticing Kriak's question, Adrynn stood up, noticing another Dunmer behind the hunter in Imperial armor. Nodding to her, he glanced to Lecuaro and Kriak.


"About fifteen to twenty at once, without losing control," he said, watching the Ashlanders surge forward against the wall. "You're right, we do need to end this. Now," he said, unsheathing his Daedric Katana.


He glanced to the hunter. "Whenever you're ready, Kriak."

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"Fifteen to twenty will have to do then." Kriak said and removed several soulgems from the bag he had. "I'll absorb the energy from these souls and transfer it to you. You should have no problem with magicka. A word of warning though, you will feel immensely powerful, truthfully you will be, but don't overstep yourself and don't get used to this, this isn't a technique that I relish using." Kriak grimmaced as he placed his right hand on the side of Adrynn's shoulder and held the first soulgem in his hand and began to force the soul and its energies out of the gem. Dark tendrils of magic energy flowed from the gem up kriak's arm and dissappearing into his chest before reappearing as white streams of pure energy coursing from his fingertips into Adrynn. "Give it all you've got, I'll give you more magicka as you need it. You don't even have to use Daedra, just whatever you need to get the job done." Kriak spat with considerable effort, absorbing a soul on its own is incredibly difficult without overwhelming one's own body, absorbing it then transferring it's energies to another person without killing anyone involved is something that very few have the ability to perform and even fewer have the balls for it.
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Velanya Therys, Fort Floodgate Battlements


Velanya could barely keep up with events as they occurred. She looked around, quickly taking in her surroundings. She was now high up on the battlements of Floodgate, with Legion archers and mages raining hell on the Ashlanders below. She saw a khajiit leaning casually against the wall, smoking a skooma pipe, and she wondered briefly how he could be so calm amidst all this chaos. Next to him was a tall Breton, whom she assumed was the commander, from the way he was barking orders. He fired a magnificent bow with such lightning speed that it baffled her as she watched him. She didn't dare interrupt his concentration.


The mage who aided her then exchanged words with a Dunmer in Gah-Julan bonemold, whom he addressed as "Adrynn." Was this Adrynn Indarys? Garila's husband? She met his eyes for a moment and returned his polite nod, then turned to scan the battlefield. The land worked alive with Ashlander warriors, beating against the Fort like ocean waves. She could see neither Edward nor Caius anywhere, and she was beginning to grow worried, especially when Adrynn and the mage began discussing summoning fifteen to twenty Daedra.


Suddenly, she remembered her newly bought magicka potions. Sheathing her sword, she threw down her pack and produced a handful of bottles.


"I can help stop this!" she shouted to anyone who could hear. She began running over all the destruction spells she knew: fireball, shockbloom, poisonbloom, firestorm, froststorm. Any of them would do, but poison and shock would most easily bypass the Dunmer natural resistances.


She began to prepare herself for a lot of spellcasting, slowly closing her eyes. She could only pray that Edward and Caius were safe.

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Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon - Fort Floodgate, The Eastern Wall



Caius? Oh no. Damn it Caius, this is no time for goofing around! "I can't. I need to command the troops and plus I make an easy target with my size and armor. Now get your kiester up here before the Ashlanders have you for lunch!" He screamed into the pebble.



Lecuaro turned to Kriak, who was helping Adrynn with the magicka channeling. "Kriak, do you suppose you could spare a few of your poisoned arrows?" He asked while glancing at another pair of Ashlander shamans in the now slightly faltering Ashlander ranks.

Edited by SoulofChrysamere
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Edward Wildeve, Outside Fort Floodgate


Edward had made use of Velanya's opening at first, keeping it open and stopping any Ashlander that tried to surround him again, but he had no intention of leaving her, especially since she was now equally as surrounded as he was. He began to turn but spied another man, an ally it seemed, jump to her aid. The Ashlanders closed in on them and Edward could no longer see what was happening. What he could see, however, was the masses of magic the two were unleashing between them and Edward decided they would be alright without his sword.


Velanya had claimed the west side to the fort was clear and it was there Edward decided to make for, he had no desire to continue being as vulnerable as he was now, from both enemy and ally alike. He sheathed his sword, carrying it did not make for quick running and picked up a dead Ashlanders chitin shortsword. He crouched low to the ground and ran, at a breakneck speed, ducking and weaving through the masses of Ashlanders, he slashed as they blocked him off or threatened to attack him. Edward broke through their ranks, and arrived at the fort, wondering what he was supposed to do now. It was raining arrows and it was all Edward could do to avoid getting hit as he advanced slowly towards the gate.

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"Just take some from my quiver, those are all good keen points, no tricks, they're pitted and have channels for poison to fill, take a few viles off my belt. The purple ones. They cause extreme hypertension and prevent coagulation." Kriak grunted through the strain of channelling the energy from the soulgems to Adrynn. "Any time now Adrynn."
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Caius Cosades, Outside Fort Floodgate


Looking down once more at his Ashlander prisoners, he addressed the pebble, "It's nice to know you're so concerned about my safety, but I may be the one having Ashlander stew before its over, Marczon. Look, I'm a little tied up at the moment. Now, if you can get that mage or shaman or whatever he is to teleport my new-found friends and I up there, that's fine. More power to you. I'm ready when you are. But if not, I'm going to have to stay put until these crazies retreat."


Velanya Therys, Fort Floodgate Battlements


Velanya released her pent up magicka in the form of a shockbloom spell. It sailed over the Ashlanders' heads and exploded in the middle of their ranks. Dozens of them were knocked off their feet and trampled by their fellows. The smell of singed hair reached her as she released a poisonbloom, quickly followed by a froststorm. Her magicka momentarily exhausted, she wearily leaned on the crenelations and watched her handiwork. Countless warriors were thrown backwards - some died instantly, while others dropped randomly from the effects of the poison.


"Come on, Adrynn, if you're going to do it, do it now!" she yelled, popping the cork on one of her magicka potions, draining it, and readying herself for another bout of casting.

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Adrynn Indarys, Fort Floodgate, Battlements


Adrynn could feel the power flowing through his blood. His eyes began to burn with an unstoppable force as his body continued to absorb the souls Kriak was forcing into him. Hearing Velanya's plea, his mind snapped to attention as his hands began to glow with magicka. Daedra just wouldn't be enough for this. No, they would get cut down to fast. There were too many Ashlanders.


"Everyone! Hold onto something! This is going to be rough," he yelled above the shouts of dying Ashlanders as his hands gathered all that power to him, holding it close, letting it build . . . He had only read about this spell, but now he knew he had the power to use it. Yelling his fury and frustrations at the Ashlanders, he threw his hands forward, releasing the pent up magicka in an explosion of light and heat and sound. The spell flew through the ranks of Ashlanders, ripping them to pieces as it tore through their bodies and sent their bones flying into their comrade's faces. The spell continued, destroying every life it touched, consuming them entirely before it broke on the ranks of the rear guard, shattering their paltry Shield and consuming them as well. With that done, Adrynn released the hold he had on the spell, letting it disipate into nothing. It was over as quickly as it had begun. The spell had been a mix of Absorb, Damage, Shock, Frost, and Poison, everything he knew that would break through the natural defenses of the Dunmer body.


Completely drained, Adrynn fell to his knees, his vision blurry as he slowly realized the devistation he had caused. Looking over the battlements, all he saw was a few pieces of bones, bits of armor, and shattered weapons. No Ashlander stood against them. They were all dead. Nothing but ash on the winds.


"By the Three, what have I done?" he said, horrified at what had happened before consciousness left him and he fell into oblivion.

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Velanya Therys, Fort Floodgate Battlements


The force of energy from Adrynn's spell slammed into everyone on the battlements, sending them flying backwards into the walls of the fortress. Velanya curled up with her hands over her head as the spell did its work, the very air crackling with power. She could hear inhuman screams and unearthly sounds of flesh, bone, and armor being torn to bits.


What the hell did you cast?


Caius Cosades, Outside Fort Floodgate


Caius suddenly heard a loud bang, and he instinctively threw himself on his stomach. A surge of magicka ripped through the Ashlander ranks, and he could hear pieces of of them hitting the rock above his head. After the howling screams stopped, there was a deafening silence...a sickening pall over the battlefield.


Cautiously, he rose, and peeked over the rock.


They were gone. Every last one.

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