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Shadows of Darkest Soul (An Elder Scrolls RP)


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Kriak raised his hand from Adrynn's shoulder. Fortunately there was still some of the soul's energy left that Kriak used to replenish his own stores. He looked over the smoldering battlefield. Damn good spell. Kriak thought. "I'll take those arrows and that poison back any time commander." Kriak said to Lecuaro. Kriak and Adrynn were the only ones not thrown to the battlements by the immense power of the spell. Now Kriak was the only one still standing. He looked at the fear and awe in his comrades' eyes from the awesome power of the magicka that Adrynn and he had unleashed. "That was fun wasn't it? Let's not do it again." Kriak said with a rare bout of humor to try and defuse the tension in the air left by such devostation.


He only just realized that his hand that held the soulgem was searing in pain from the energy he had forced from the gem. He dropped the soulgem as it crumbled to dust with a slight hiss. I'll have to remember how useful that trick was Kriak thought to himself, But it certainly comes with a cost. If that's what a single Drakar could do, I'd hate to find out how one of the Magia's souls would react.

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Dar'krinji, Fort Floodgate


Dar stood up, marveling at the destruction this "Adrynn" had just caused. Never had he seen so much death, or raw power.


Turning back towards the others, he spoke, "The powers of magic will never cease to amaze me. So, am I allowed to eat some? I haven't eaten in weeks, and I assume they would still be good."

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Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon - Fort Floodgate, The Eastern Wall



Lecuaro returned three poison arrows and a single vial to Kriak, the other two arrows and vials spent on a pair of shamans he'd downed before Adrynn detonated that magicka bomb. He surveyed the now almost-spotless area where the Ashlanders were. That'd be an expensive feat for even the best of mages. - he thought to himself.



"I guess it's a damn good stroke of luck you came here, Kriak. Never seen a spell that can erase a thousand Ashlanders at once." He said.



"Sorinyarie! Get those two fellows behind those rocks down there up here!" He yelled as he gestured to Caius and Edward. He then walked over to Velanya. "Hello there, sera. As you probably already know, I'm Lecuaro Marczon, acting commander here at this fort." He said as he extended his hand.



As he looked at the others, he knew he wasn't the only one with this biting question running through his head. Someone's backing these Ashlanders...in both armor and manpower. But who?

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Velanya Therys, Fort Floodgate, Eastern Wall


Velanya stood slowly and brushed herself off, although it did no good to help her appearance. Her mahogany hair had come loose from its bun, and was now draped about her shoulders in damp waves, sticking to her neck and cheeks. Her Imperial Dragon tattoo shimmered with sweat, causing it to look as if it were a living serpent - her eye the garnet heart of the beast. Her armor was covered in Ashlander blood, mixed with dirt and ash.


She looked up at the commander and offered him a sheepish smile before snapping to attention and saluting, then shaking his hand firmly, "Lady Knight-Errant Velanya Therys of Fort Buckmoth, at your service, sir!"


After releasing his hand, she looked to where Edward and Caius were crouched, far in the distance, "I've brought two fellows with me from Ald'ruhn. Edward and Cassius," she emphasized the latter's name so she was certain that's what he should be called, "I'm sure Cassius will want to speak to you in private as soon as possible. As for Edward, we both thought you could use his assistance here at the fort."

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Mini-Character: Rondolas - Fort Floodgate, The Eastern Wall



Rondolas stood in a dumb stupor for several minutes. What the hell was that explosion? He eventually snapped out of it though and glanced around quickly before looking out over the field again. When he did however, he saw something -- a Dunmer fleeing the scene at high speed. As his sharp, Bosmer vision focused, he saw that he was dressed in chitin and bore an Ashlander hairstyle and symbol on the back of the cuirass.



"Stemen! Give me your crossbow! Quickly!" He said as he threw down his bow.



His friend Stemen on his right thrust the crossbow into his hands. He focused his aim a little above the runner, and pulled the trigger.



"If you've got a crossbow, unload on that runner down there!" He screamed at the top of his lungs as he readied another bolt. As he brought up the second bolt, he saw the Ashlander drop.



Rondolas squinted, and could barely make out his bolt lodged in the Dark Elf's left thigh. He heard the other crossbows release their bolts and released his as well. That ought to take care of him. One bolt might have done it, but several's a sure takedown. He kept his eyes zeroed in on the Ashlander who was now struggling to rise up. He managed to get to his feet, but then the volley of bolts came and Rondolas saw at least another four hit their mark. The Dunmer collapsed and remained motionless...he was down.

Edited by SoulofChrysamere
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Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon - Fort Floodgate, The Western Wall


"Seems a lot of unexpected visitors have shown up here in the last thirty-six hours, but this place does need all the help it can get." Lecuaro answered. He then leaned down to her ear and whispered. "So Caius is back in Vvardenfell, eh? Well...I happen to know Cassius."



Lecuaro straightened back up and produced a bluish ribbon from a pocket. "Here, so you can get that out of your eyes." He said, nodding to her disheveled hair. "That Cassius is a stubborn one, isn't he?"

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Velanya Therys, Fort Floodgate, Eastern Wall


"Stubborn, indeed," she said dryly, taking the ribbon, "thank you."


As she tied her hair back into a simple ponytail, she wondered about "Cassius" and Lecuaro. So, they know each other - what a coincidence.


"Oh, and commander," she added carefully, "Cassius is my superior." She then mouthed, "If you get my drift."


Caius Cosades, Outside Fort Floodgate


Caius watched as a High Elven Imperial Battlemage jogged towards him. He stood up and waved, "Greetings, fellow legionnaire!" He drug the two Ashlanders far enough out so she could see them, "Look! I've brought presents!"

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Adrynn Indarys, Fort Floodgate Battlements


Adrynn came to slowly, his mind still fuzzy from losing so much magicka at once. Hearing voices around him, he sat up slowly and leaned against the battlements, seeing Kriak, Lecuaro, the Dunmer Knight Velanya, the Khajiit Dar'Krinji all standing around him, talking to each other. The mention of Edward's name brought him fully awake though.


Edward? He's here already? he thought to himself, puzzled slightly. He figured Velanya and this Cassius must have stopped by Bal Isra for supplies on their way to the Fort and Edward either tagged along or was asked to join. Either way, he was glad to know his new retainer was being put to work.


Standing up, he offered his hand to the Knight Velanya. "Greetings, muthsera. I'm Adrynn Indarys, of Great House Redoran, at your service," he said, wincing as he felt the arrowhead still lodged in his armor stab into his flesh. He nodded to Kriak and Lecuaro as well.


This has been an interesting few days for sure, he thought quietly to himself.

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Velanya Therys, Fort Floodgate, Eastern Wall


Velanya took Adrynn's hand and smiled, "And fine greetings to you, Serjo. Knight-Errant Velanya Therys. Pleased to make your acquaintance. Oh," she added, "I've a message from Garila. She says that you should be careful, that you have people who worry for you at home."


Caius Cosades, Outside Fort Floodgate


Caius wordlessly placed his hand on the other prisoner and took the mage's. All four instantly vanished from the field.

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