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Dar'krinji, Fort Floodgate Exterior


Dar took back his pipe, and slid it back into his pants. He then went and grabbed a rather large dunmer, and slung the corpse on his shoulder. He then went back to Edward and slung him over the opposite shoulder, and walked back to the fort with both of them.

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Adrynn Indarys, Fort Floodgate


Adrynn slowly undid the leather straps to his cuirass and slid it off, sighing as the constant pain vanished. Looking down at the arrowhead protruding from the inside of the armor, he plucked it out with an almost silent "fetcher" and smiled as he held it up to the light. It was a steel broadhead. Knowing that Ashlanders only used chitin arrows, he wondered how they were able to get steel equipment, much less a full battalion's worth of bonemold armor. His smile vanished as he kept thinking over these impossible things, the healer working silently beside him to heal the small wound in his chest.


"Healer, do you have any restore magicka potions?" he asked, slightly annoyed at how long this was taking.


"Hm? Oh, yes, yes I do. Here," the healer said, handing Adrynn a small bottle.


Smiling, the Redoran downed the harsh tasting liquid in one gulp and felt his magicka return vigirously. Grinning, he cast a small healing spell and watched as the wound closed rapidly then disappeared. Standing up and grabbing his cuirass, he walked past the dumbfounded healer and made his way up the stairs to the legion armory.


"Smith! I need your assistance," he called out to the Redguard smith, who turned to him with a small frown.


"What do you want Dunmer? I'm busy right now, can't you see that?"


"I'm a guest of your commander and I need my armor fixed. Is that going to be too much of a problem?" Adrynn asked, raising an eyebrow.


"Oh! No sir, not at all!" the Redguard said, saluting quickly. With a devious grin, Adrynn stripped off his pauldrons and bracers and laid them along with the cuirass on the smith's table. "I hope you'll be done with these sooner rather than later."


"Yes sir!"


Adrynn couldn't help but smile as he made his way outside into the fort's courtyard. Glancing around, he saw many different races, all doing cleanup and rebuilding work to the damaged eastern wall. But what caught his attention was the Khajiit Dar'krinji walking into the fort with two bodies slung over his shoulder, one of a large bonemold clad Dunmer, the other a black haired human. All of his smiles vanished and were replaced by a stone hard face as he jogged quickly over to Dar.


"Edward! Are you alright my friend?" he called out, hoping that his newest retainer wasn't dead already. Noticing that Edward was alert and awake, he sighed in relief.


"Dar, if you don't mind, I'll take Edward off your hands and get him to the healer. It seems you're already . . . busy," Adrynn said, glancing at the Dunmer corpse. He held out a hand, ready to take Edward.

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Dar'krinji, Fort Floodgate


Dar walked into the fort, and was greeted by Adrynn. He asked him for Edward, and Dar obliged. He had other things to do anyway. He threw down the corpse, and set Edward in Adrynn's arms.


He told him, "He might still have some skooma in him, so don't worry if he acts strange."


Then he picked up the corpse, and walked off to continue his business.

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Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon - Fort Floodgate, Lecuaro's Office



Lecuaro led the way into his office and sat down behind the desk. He rested an elbow on one of the chair's arms and buried his face in it. He didn't usually show signs of great stress...but the past two days' events were simply incredible. Two hordes of Ashlanders around 1,300-1,500 strong had assaulted the place, and a host of new arrivals, including an old acquaintance Caius Cosades, had come to the fort. On top of all that, he had to worry about his men's morale. They usually didn't complain much; life was simple if not always easy out here. But with recent events, he couldn't help but be concerned about them. He knew Velanya and Caius were watching, but he didn't care. This was what being commander of both a legion segment and a Blades safehouse did to a person's nerves.



After a couple of minutes of silence, he finally spoke. "So Cassius...why exactly are you here? And what does Velanya here know that constitutes you suddenly inducting her into the Blades?"

Edited by SoulofChrysamere
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Caius Cosades, Fort Floodgate, Lecuaro's Office


The commander led them into his office: a cozy, quiet corner of the fort. The furniture was of hand-carved oak, stained to warm amber hues. The walls were decorated with a few small paintings and a couple of floor-length tapestries. Behind the commander's desk was a frosted glass window, through which the afternoon light shone with orange rays. Caius presumed that the style and arrangement of the room reminded the commander of home...a little slice of peace and familiarity in this strange and troubled land.


He watched as Commander Lecuaro sat at his desk and momentarily hid his face from them. Caius sympathized with his old friend. The events of the past few days were life-draining, and their effects were plain on the legionnaire's face. Velanya stood in respectful silence beside him, her eyes focused on the far wall.


Finally, the commander asked why he was here, and where Velanya came in. The answer would be long, and Caius hoped that Lecuaro had the patience to hear it. He sighed.


"Lecuaro," Caius began, "the Emperor is upset....no, furious. And for good reason. You remember that I was recalled back to the Imperial City shortly before the fall of Dagoth Ur, correct? I was recalled because I was thought to be no longer needed here. It was the Emperor's wish to establish peace here on Vvardenfell once and for all. The Nerevarine was his greatest hope for such an accomplishment, and he believed that Nerevar Reborn was enough to bring about the peace and keep it. But now the Nerevarine is gone...off to some ill-begotten expedition to Akavir...and is most likely dead. Morrowind has fallen back into chaos - perhaps even deeper than it was before. Uriel's hopes for stability in the East have been shattered. The Great Houses are at each others' throats again. The people are dividing and plotting against each other, including the King himself - who is maneuvering for power that does not rightfully belong to him. And now this Ashlander nonsense threatens to wipe out Imperial influence on Vvardenfell altogether.


"So, Uriel sent me back. He sent me back to pick up the pieces that the Nerevarine dropped like hot coals. His orders were to find Velanya Therys and induct her into the Blades immediately as my personal Novice. Why? She's been a loyal member of the Legion for forty years. He had her stationed at the worst garrisons in the Empire, including Senchal in Elsweyr and Blackrose in Black Marsh. She managed to avoid the rampant corruption of these holes and passed his tests with flying colors.


"So he sent her to Vvardenfell. Any fort she has been stationed at has become a solid rock of Imperial authority and peace for a five-mile radius around it. She's refused any further promotions past the rank of Knight-Errant to avoid the politics of the high officers. The Emperor knows better than anyone else what that means. It means she's not interested in power. And the Emperor needs people like that. The Empire needs people like that. People who don't want to stab each other in the back for personal gain. People who are interested in the safety and security of the citizens they are sworn to protect.


"And that's why Uriel wants her under your authority while I sort out what she needs to do. Yes, Lecuaro, the Emperor has been tracking you as well. You're the only commander besides Imsin the Dreamer whom he trusts to direct the Legions on Vvardenfell. All other commanders are suspected of corruption and are under supervision - whether they know it or not.


"So - as for Velanya - in between the tasks I give her, she is to follow your orders. She's a Knight-Errant not only in rank, but also in skill, so give her the tasks that your inexperienced troopers can't handle."


Caius took this time to pause, and to allow Lecuaro to ask questions. It was a lot of information to digest, but it was important. He looked sideways at Velanya. She was still staring at the wall, but her lips had become a thin line and her jaw was set. It was impossible to discern what she was thinking.

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Adrynn Indarys, Fort Floodgate


Nodding to Dar, Adrynn placed Edward's unbroken arm over his shoulder and began retracing his steps back to the healer. He could feel the stares of the Legionnaires at the fort at this strange sight. A Dunmer carrying a human as if he was his own brother. That wasn't far from the truth. Adrynn felt a connection with this strange human from parts unknown. He felt as if he was seeing part of himself from so many years ago reborn in Edward. It was a strange feeling, but not an unwelcome one.


"Edward, I'm sorry to have gotten you dragged into this, but once this is over, you will definitely have earned your dinner," Adrynn said with a small smile as he glanced at Edward. He didn't like how Edward's arm hung limply beside him, nor the broken ribs he felt, and his smile vanished to be replaced by a statue's face. He made his way just a bit quicker into the fort. Once inside, the pair went down the stairs to the healer's office.


"Healer! I need you, now!" Adrynn called out, knowing his voice would carry through the small space. He didn't catch his name from Lecuaro, so he didn't bother using it.


"Eh? What is it Dunmer? You've already been . . . healed," the healer said, catching sight of Edward as he popped his head out from behind a bookcase. Adrynn gently set Edward into a nearby chair, taking care not to jostle his broken arm. He stood up to his full hight and faced the healer.


"This isn't me. This is one of my men, and I need his injuries looked after. I have so many things to do right now I can't count them on one hand, but his well being comes before all of that!" Adrynn snapped, his voice dangerously low as his eyes flashed in annoyance.


"I'll get started right away Dunmer," the healer said, brushing aside Adrynn's cold anger as a sign of stress and frustration, which was exactly what it was.


Adrynn nodded and sat down in a chair near Edward, not wanting to leave till he was healed. He rested his head in his hands, sighing as he ran the events of today through his head, still not believing any of it. A force of 1500 Ashlanders attack a small frontier fort twice in two days and a motley crew of individuals come to the aid of the fort and it's commander. He smiled humorlessly. It sounded like something out of a book. Where are those Ashlanders coming from? And who's backing them? There has to be somewhere nearby that they can mass that many people at once. Then it hit him, and he couldn't believe it.



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Dar'krinji, Fort Floodgate, Storeroom.


After Dar reached a small storeroom toward the back of the fort, he shut the door, he didn't need interruptions.


He set the corpse on the floor and Sheogorath spoke to him, "Good work there! Now little kitty-man, I'm going to teach you magic, for the first time in your kitty life!"


With that, the training commenced. With searing pain and agony Dar had begun to wield the 5th element.

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Kriak, Fort Floodgate-Blades Stronghold


Kriak continued perusing the various tapestries of the stronghold, his hands behind his back, keenly observing everythin, as a curator might survey his museum. Kriak tossed different things about his head, of course the laughable twist fate had taken with him, the others around him, and what his next moves were. Adrynn, the powerful Dunmer, he was clearly experienced and capable, his very knowledge of that spell was impressive, such texts were kept very secret even in his realm, it takes a good deal of influence to get access to the training and literature required for that kind of magic. Velanya, a capable legionnare to be sure, it was suprising really to see a Dunmer in the legion on Vvardenfell, most locals despise the legion, but then again perhaps she was not born in Morrowind. Kriak Hadn't had the time to learn more of her, clearly she and the spymaster were here together on some sort of business. The spymaster. He was another matter. It wasn't very difficult to discern that that was his occupation, he apprehended two of the soldiers, spoke to Lecuaro, whom Kriak knew to be a Blade, through a magical trinket, and wheres a garb too humble for his abilities, Not much unlike myself Kriak mused. But why was he here was the rea question. There was Dar'Krinji, the khajiit, at the tought of his competitor a slight smile appeared on Kriak's face, Dar's antics and devil-may-care persona reminded Kriak very much of one of his dear friends from his own realm-the smile vanished quickly and was replaced by a deep sadness that Kriak only showed because he was in private, Star-Claw was gone, and only the Gods could bring him back. His thoughts turned to the commander, who reminded Kriak of someone else-his brother. Liek the commander, Kriak's brother was a born leader, profficient in combat, cared deeply for his men and had a keen tactical mind. His very walk seemed to be that of Kriak's brother, this saddened Kriak even more. His brother had been poisoned against him nearly since childhood and Kriak often mused over how great of friends, comrades and allies they could have been if not for that one fateful day. Kriak ceased pacing, let his head droop and sighed, a long painful sigh of distant memories suddenly brought back by these people he had known for scarcely a day and yet he already felt deeply connected to.

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Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon - Fort Floodgate, Lecuaro's Office




Lecuaro had the patience to listen to Caius's story...and some to spare. He sat there for a moment, reflecting on everything he had just been told. This world has become one seriously screwed up place. He eyed Velanya for a moment. She was attractive. Not goddess-like, but attractive. It had been a while since he'd seen a Dunmer in a Legion outfit...ten years ago when he was still stationed in Cyrodiil to be exact. He'd heard of her exploits to be sure, but his natural skepticism had barred him from considering her to come to this fort. It wasn't due to the fact that he didn't trust her because of her race...it was more his doubt that she would be well-received by the others. He knew how to keep soldiers in line, but when the officers are away, the grunts talk...and not all of the subjects are good.



Her professed allegiance to the Nine Divines was of particular concern. He feared that the men would become angry at her if they heard her saying about how she loved the Nine...as if to mock their faith. When this fort first opened up for occupation those six months ago, the very first thing he determined to do was to shatter any religious cliques, and he had succeeded for the most part. It still required constant vigilance though...and he and his second-in-command Nenalaamo had shared many lengthy conversations about this over mugs of greef.



He then turned to Caius. "So...only seven years in the Blades and already I am an upper-ranking officer, in possession of one of these whispering stones, and, along with Imsin, in possession of the Emperor's complete trust to handle things here." His expression then changed from one of exasperation to one of genuine worry. "I may have the potential and the skill, but what scares the absolute hell out of me is my lack of experience. Those four months at the Blades academy out in that gods-forsaken glacier up in Cyrodiil's Jerall Mountains are well behind me now."



As he waited for Caius to respond, he knew that things in the Blades safehouse would soon return to normal...and he knew that Kriak was in there. He muttered an incantation that allowed him to tap into a thin magical "watchdog" spell layer and picked out Kriak. Get out of there. Now. He then released his hold on the spell. Kriak may be hard-headed, but he's not a fool.

Edited by SoulofChrysamere
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