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Shadows of Darkest Soul (An Elder Scrolls RP)


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Adrynn Indarys, Fort Floodgate, Healer's Office


Adrynn nodded to Lecuaro and stood up, trying not to smile at Velanya as he noticed her taking in his heavily muscled yet lean frame. Scars ran along his chest and arms, most from battles, a few from Cliff Racers. A latticework of scars were noticable on his forearms, long ago healed, showing his training with blades and swordsmanship in general. He tried to suppress his smile again but couldn't. Heh, I hope she appreciates what she can see.


"Yes, Lecuaro, let us see these "guests" of yours. I have a few questions to ask them myself," he said, glancing back at Edward. Knowing that he'd done all that he could at the time for his friend, he nodded to Lecuaro. "Lead the way, Commander."


He noticed this "Cassius" staring at him hard, glancing his way, he got the distinct feeling the Imperial didn't like him. A frown settled on his face as he waited for Lecuaro to lead the way.

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Velanya Therys, Fort Floodgate, Healer's Office


Velanya snorted at Lecuaro's remark. It's not like I haven't seen a shirtless man before. It was true. When she was stationed in Elsweyr, there had been no other females in her barracks - and with the intensity of the heat, there were a lot of shirtless men running around that Fort.


Still, she couldn't help but stare at Adrynn. He was indeed nice to look at, there was no denying that, and she was momentarily self-conscious of her own bloody and sweaty state. But what intrigued her more was the myriad of scars that criss-crossed his skin...some of them appearing like fine spiderwebs. They told a story - one of a warrior who had seen his fair share of hardships. She returned his sheepish grin with a genuine smile of respect.


She noticed Caius studying him as well, and wondered what was running through the Spymaster's head. It was obvious Adrynn felt uncomfortable under his gaze, and she suspected there would be a bit of tension between the two for a while to come. Caius was obviously Nibenean Cyrodiilic, and they did not play well with traditional Redorans. That, she knew first-hand.


Velanya turned to Lecuaro, "Yes, let us go. I, too, would like to hear what garbage these prisoners are going to spew at us."


Caius Cosades, Fort Floodgate, Healer's Office


He's had it rough. Caius thought, noticing all of the Redoran's scars. Some of them were trifles. Others were fairly nasty - ranging from slashes and cuts to bites and tears.


"Yes, Lecuaro. We should speak with our new friends," he said to the Commander.


He could feel Adrynn's gaze on him as he turned his back. He got the distinct feeling that the Redoran didn't like him. Oh well...


Deal with it.

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Dar'krinji, Fort Floodgate


Lecuaro had sent Dar out to find some sort of Ashlander spy, one "Serrabinashiah". He had no idea where this person would be, and he searched for some time, asking around for the person. Finally a guard who knew where this spy was, and set Dar on the right path. Serrabinashiah was sitting on a bunk in the western garrison, and Dar walked up with a light greeting,


"Hello, would you be Serrabinashiah?"

Edited by nethgros
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Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon - Fort Floodgate, To The Holding Cells



"Well then, I guess we'll stop by the holding cells before heading to the safehouse since everyone's so eager." Lecuaro said as he approached the healer.



"When Edward here is able, give him this map. He should be able to find his way to the safehouse." He said to Trilvan as he produced a parchment and handed it to him.



He then turned to Edward and bent toward his ear. "Password for the safehouse door is 'Shadowhand." He then led the quartet toward the holding cells.



As the four walked down the hallways toward the cells, Lecuaro popped a question to Velanya. "Velanya, have you ever heard of a man named Fehryld Mondasten? You might know him better as the 'High Rock Hotshot'."

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Velanya Therys, Fort Floodgate, To the Holding Cells


"Hmm," she thought for a minute. The 'High Rock Hotshot?' Does sound familiar...


"Seems like I remember that epithet being passed around amongst my colleagues during my tour of Black Marsh. Why do you ask?"

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Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon - To The Holding Cells



"Yep, he spent a bit of time in Black Marsh some time ago. As you've probably heard, he's one of the few non-Bosmer people capable of at least matching and in some cases outshooting his Valenwood counterparts. Well, his son and daughter, Hebiert and Cheriana Mondasten, happen to be members of the order you joined just a few hours ago and they're right here at the fort. And trust me, they're no slouches with bows themselves." Lecuaro said as they continued on their way.



As they neared the holding cells, they passed by a guards' room where they saw an Orc playing a lute - and playing it well. When they passed by, Lecuaro commented.



"You don't see many Orcs that can handle a lute. But then again...you don't see a lot of what you see in forts like these anywhere else. Cassius, you told me right. You want to see strange blends of military regulation and home tradition with hints of the unusual, you go to a frontier fort."

Edited by SoulofChrysamere
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Edward Wildeve, Fort Floodgate, Healers


Edward rubbed his eyes with his good arm, he was sleepy and the long walk, battle and injury had sapped a lot of his strength from him. Adrynn had left with the procession of people who had entered the healers office. He wondered who the man was who had whispered the password in his ear. He looked at the healer, busy cleaning his implements.


"Who was the tall Breton who briefly whispered to me?"

"Huh? Oh, that was Legion Commander Lecuaro Marczon... since you are awake, I'll give you this... he asked me to give it to you"


He took the parchment from the healers outstretched hand, studying it; a map. He stuffed it through his belt, his bag being lost in the battle. Edward stood up, stumbling slightly. His arm hung awkwardly in its sling and he hoped it would heal quickly. He picked up his sword and slung it over his back, wincing as it's weight added to his pain. Edward asked the healer to point out where he was on his map and he plotted his course to the safehouse out with his finger.


"Thankyou for the treatment" he said simply, before following his course to the safehouse... whatever the safehouse was. Edward thought about this as he walked, he wondered why a password protected mystery house existed in a Legion fort. "oh well" he reasoned "i'll find out soon enough".

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Mini-Character: Serrabinashiah Masseranit - Fort Floodgate, Bunk Room



The sound of a Khajiiti voice calling her name snapped Serrabinashiah out of her daydream. She looked up and saw a rather tall Khajiit in a grey outfit covered with pockets and pouches. She also noticed something in his right hand.



"Hello, Khajiit." She said as she got up. "You need me for something?"

Edited by SoulofChrysamere
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Dar'krinji, Fort Floodgate


"Yes, the commander has need of you. This trinket," he said, handing her the amulet, "was found on the corpse of a hostile ashlander. The commander needs your help to find their motives."

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Edward Wildeve, Fort Floodgate


Edward stood outside the door to the safehouse. His map had led him here, and by all accounts of his map-following ability this was the right door. He looked at it, it seemed pretty unassuming. He wondered what he was supposed to do, he tried opening it; it was locked. He thought back to the password Lecuaro had told him.... 'shadowfist', or 'shadowhand' or something, he wished he could remember which.


'Shadowfist' he said to no-one in particular, in the general direction of the door. Edward sighed; he felt foolish.

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