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Shadows of Darkest Soul (An Elder Scrolls RP)


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Adrynn Indarys, Fort Floodgate, Mess Hall


Adrynn could barely believe what his ears were telling him. Lecuaro playing a beautifully crafted lute and Velanya singing right beside him. The tune was one he didn't recognize, but obviously one the soldiers and Legionnaires did. It was a short, fast tempoed tune and was catchy at that. Adrynn caught his fingers drumming along on his leg to the beat. He glanced around the table. Edward was unconsiously tapping his foot along to the beat and Kriak was sitting still, watching all that happened with an unreadable look in his eyes. The Imperial, Cassius suddenly stood up and started singing along with Velanya, his deep bass matching harmoniously with Velanya's Dunmeri tenor.


The words surrounded Adrynn and slowly he began to take in how much joy simple songs like this brought the Legionnaires in their darkest moments. A small comfort and reminder of home, of things that were and might once again be. He felt a solitary trail of wetness on his cheek and wiped it off unconsiously. It was a tear. A single, solitary reminder that even music can soften the hearts of the most hardened warrior. It was a lesson he took in with mixed feelings as the tear fell away and crashed into the floor. The sounds of the singing strings died away slowly as he once again glanced around the table. Velanya looked down at him and gave him a simple soft smile that spoke volumes. He nodded slowly and smiled back. He knew she had felt exactly what he had and understood it far better than he could.


Such a simple melody. Yet one that can make a warrior cry. Heh. So strange, the ways of the gods. Perhaps there is more for me here than just war, Adrynn thought to himself, glancing down at his scarred hands on the table. By Azura, I hope so.

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Kriak listened to the mirth of the men and mer around him. Such happiness amidst all of the chaos and calamity that had just befallen the fort. And such beautiful music from a man who appeared to be a very harsh commander. Kriak wasn't suprised by the commander's ability, and he had a slight grin on his face when the commander didn't produce a pick with which to play the onate instrument. The callusses on his fingertips told Kriak the story all too well. He had wondered i the commander played a stringed instrument, the Orc playing the lute earlier was a dead giveaway to the favored instrument of the legionnares here. He didn't join in the fun, he didn't even tap his foot to the beat. Not even a smile on his face during the music, the last one had long since faded. Kriak absorbed the music, he committed it to memory, along with the singing that 'Cassius' and Velanya entreated the room to. To all the worl Kriak eemed like he was utterly ambivilant to the festive atmosphere, but he had learn to supress such impulses as foot tapping, and outbursts of hurrahs and joy-and even tears. Adrynn was a hardened warrior but Kriak was something altogether different, he'd seen things that would make the hair on the back of Adrynn's neck stand up, and done things that would make the Redoran's blood run cold. The experiences may be behind him but their impact and their lessons, were not.


As the music died down Kriak sampled the first bite of his meal, steamed mudcrab and poached kwama egg garnished with saltrice and skrib jelly, not exactly fit for a king but it did. Kriak quickly cleared his plate, he wasn't sloppy and it didn't even seem rushed but his food was gone before most everyone else's was even touched. The wine, on the other hand he took the time to savor. He swirled it in his glass, inhaling the intoxicating aroma before taking a prolonged sip, letting the alcohol sit upon his tongue before he set the glass down. He analyzed everyone briefly, Adrynn still slightly misty after the music, 'Cassius' flushed with confidence from singing and probably no small amount of alcohol and Velanya slightly blushing and smiling from the thrill of performing and a slight mixture of embarassment or bashfullness at having the boldness to stand up and sing. Lecuaro had a lopsided grin on his face, it may have been a front at first to boost morale but it was genuine enough now after his performance, the music had lightened his spirits as well. Kriak questioned why he was here amongst these people again. What did he have in common with them? He wasn't legion, or Blades, or Redoran, or Dunmer, or Tamrielic, hell he wasn't even from this realm. Yet there he was, he had helped them survive a massive army, and had begun to actually like them. What in the hell was he doing?

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Edward Wildeve, Fort Floodgate, Mess Hall


Edward smiled, his tired eyes softening slightly. He had always liked music, and these days it reminded him of his past, of campfires and cooking meat. He rested his head in his arms, letting the music take him away, remembering the good times, lamenting past wrongs. The music stopped and he looked up, everyone sat in a silence, thinking. Edward marveled at the power this music has, the power of emotion.


He clapped, the sound shaking everyone else out of there silence, someone else started clapping and soon the whole room was alive with frenzied clapping and whistling. Edward shook his head, smiling. He pulled his food back towards him and started eating hungrily.

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Velanya Therys, Fort Floodgate, Mess Hall


After the performance was over, Velanya and Caius retook their seats, the former trying desperately to keep from blushing as the soldiers clapped and whistled. She saw that Adrynn's cheek was moist, and she simply smiled gently at him...he nodded in return, looking down bashfully. Across from her, Edward was focused on his plate, and was already well into it. Kriak's meal was, surprisingly, finished - the woodsman had kicked back in his chair and was sipping the wine with the air of a connoisseur.


Out of slight curiosity of what vintage was being served, Velanya took a hesitant sip of the wine. Ah, Tamika's. I'd recognize that flavor and aroma anywhere. But how was the Fort able to import fine wine all the way from Skingrad?


She pushed the thought away as hunger took over, and she began sampling the fare. It was delicious. Whoever the fort cook was, he or she knew how to make a hearty meal from legion rations. Velanya was used to most of the legionnaires at Buckmoth either burning the food or turning it to mush. This was perfect. The mudcrab was tender, not rubbery as she was accustomed to. The kwama egg was spiced with delicate saltrice shavings, and a small pool of warm scrib jelly sauce served for dipping. Before she knew it, her own plate was clean.


She glanced at her comrades. They, too, were finished, or nearly so. Looking around the room, she saw the other legionnaires in various stages of finishing their meals, some embroiled in deep conversations with their brothers and sisters-in-arms, some of them eating in solitary silence. Yet, there was one thing in common about all of them...despite the events of the morning, they seemed strangely relaxed. She briefly wondered if there was more to Lecuaro's fine lute than just exquisite materials and craftsmanship - and more to Lecuaro's playing than simple talent...


Caius Cosades, Fort Floodgate, Mess Hall


Caius polished off his meal and wine fairly quickly...the former out of ravenous hunger; the latter out of physical and emotional pain, rather than thirst. The events of the day had taken a toll on his aging joints and muscles. Although he was still quite fit for his age, and he could fight, run and jump with the best of them, nothing could stop the onset of arthritis. Compounding this pain was the unshakeable feeling of betrayal that had come from their recently acquired intelligence. Yet, at the same time, he had a strange feeling that the Urshilaku prisoner was wrong. Duped, perhaps...in fact, it was quite possible the whole army of Ashlanders had been tricked. Or, maybe it was just wishful thinking on his part. But they needed to find out for certain, and as quickly as possible.


He turned his gaze to Lecuaro. His old comrade looked worn out - even though the evening's performance had lifted his spirits some. Despite the fact that the Commander was at least fifteen years younger than he, Lecuaro was aging before his time. This was, in part, due to his Breton heritage. But Caius feared that it was also due to Lecuaro's stress levels. This, plus the strange "Pescrami" that occurred earlier, worried the Spymaster greatly. Although, he would probably not voice his concerns, as that would only serve to compound the problem.


He laughed to himself as he wondered how two aging veterans could possibly engineer the immortal Nerevarine's defeat.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon - Fort Floodgate, Mess Hall



Lecuaro's smile broadened as the cheers of his men and the voices of his new friends filled the small room with a fine sense of merriment. As he finished the last few notes of the song, he once again looked out over the people. Their countenances and relaxed behavior told him that much of the tension that had been welling up inside them had dissipated. He glanced at Velanya and Caius and let out a hearty laugh.



"All right...one more." He said.



He stopped and thought for a minute or two. He could sit there and play songs related to the Nine all night long easily, but he wanted to play something else...something akin to the Vvardenfell Dunmeri culture. After a bit, he suddenly remembered that one night, he and Rondolas were messing around with their lutes and they discovered that these two songs, one from House Hlaalu and one from House Redoran, actually sounded quite nicely when played in unison and a few of the notes tweaked and rearranged. They were very upbeat, with a tempo even faster than "The Love of Dibella". They'd dubbed it "The Redoran-Hlaalu Medley".



Lecuaro glanced at Adrynn for a moment before cracking a smile. He whispered to Rondolas and then sent his fingers gliding across his lute's strings once more with the Redoran tune. A second later, Rondolas joined in with the Hlaalu tune and the third lutist joined in with a simple tempo-keeping line.



After a few seconds, he looked at Velanya again and saw what appeared to be a slight look of doubt that his talent was genuine. He motioned for the others to stop playing and looked Velanya dead in the eyes. He then shot a look at Nenalaamo, who immediately understood the message and went over and set down a bluish gem beside the trio of lute players.


"If this stone glows, then there's magic involved. If it doesn't, then it's real." Lecuaro said plainly.


The Breton then signaled them to start again, and as the intro drifted by, the stone just sat there as dull as it was when it was first set down.

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Velanya Therys, Fort Floodgate, Mess Hall


Velanya knew the purpose of the stone instantly, and she was surprised - and a little embarrassed - that her look was perceived as a challenge. She focused intently upon the stone as the trio began playing a new and more vigorous tune that had a slightly traditional feel. She did not recognize the melody at first, but from the look on Adrynn's face, the Redoran certainly did.


She grinned as the stone remained the same, even after the playing resumed. Velanya understood then - beyond a shadow of a doubt - that the power they had felt earlier was indeed the simple magic of music.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Adrynn Indarys, Fort Floodgate, Mess Hall


As Lecuaro's nimble fingers plucked the lute strings again, Adrynn's head snapped up and his eyes grew wider than normal. It was the sound of the Redoran Feast, a song he hadn't heard in many of his long years. It brought back memories of Blacklight, him feasting along with his parents and extended family at the fall harvest feast while the exotic Khajiiti acrobats wowed the Redoran crowd. A second, faster tune played along behind it, one familiar, but not as well known to him as the Redoran Feast. His crimson eyes trailed along as Lecuaro played his lute harmoniously and expertly, bringing to life music that hadn't graced most Dunmeri ears, much less foriegn ones.


Where did he learn this song? His skills with a lute are astoundingly good. And to know this song out of so many . . . Adrynn grinned, his white teeth a stark contrast to his grey lips. He knew I would recognize it. That's why he played it. Well, let me give him a taste of House Redoran the way I learned it.


Adrynn smiled as he stood up. He motioned for Lecuaro to keep playing, before words began to spill from his lips. He didn't speak them in Cyrodiilic, but in Aldmeris. More importantly, the local dialect of Blacklight. The words fell from his tongue as easily as he remembered, filling the room with his deep, rich Dunmeri voice as they told the tale of the cold spring rains as the seeds were planted, the summer fields bright with saltrice and marshmellow, of the fall harvest and the work taken to bring in the grain and slaughter the guars for their meat. He couldn't help but smile as his voice finally ceased on the strings of Lecuaro's lute, leaving all in the room with a deep imprint of the Redoran life, even if they couldn't understand Aldmeris.


"That, Lecuaro, is a once in a lifetime event from me. Be glad you were the insperation for it," Adrynn said, nodding to the Breton as he sat down and sipped his wine.

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Velanya Therys, Fort Floodgate, Mess Hall


Suddenly, everything became clear - the tune was jumbled to her with the inclusion of another melody, but when Adrynn's voice filled the room, memories of Velanya's childhood came flooding back. She remembered the words, even if she didn't know what they meant. She recalled her mother humming the tune, albeit slower, as they rode in the carriage to the Imperial City when she was only six years old. And her father had sung in on occasion whilst working outdoors. Adrynn's heartfelt singing struck her to the core with memories and feelings of her beloved parents, whom she hadn't even set eyes on in decades. She couldn't keep her eyes from welling with emotion, even though the music was joyful.


When he was finished, she was the first to applaud, wordlessly meeting Adrynn's eyes.


Thank you.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Adrynn Indarys, Fort Floodate, Mess Hall


Adrynn glanced to Velnaya and saw the tears in her eyes. He smiled softly and nodded. She must have known the song as well and hearing it again after all these years had brought the Legionnaire to tears. He rested a hand on her shoulder and squeezed softly.


"You're welcome, Velanya. I know how much that song means to a Redoran," Adrynn said, smiling just a bit more.

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Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon - Fort Floodgate, Mess Hall



Lecuaro let the applause die down before looking back over to Velanya and Adrynn, who had had a small private exchange. He then grinned and once again whispered in Rondolas's ear. Rondolas rose and exited the mess hall, leaving his lute behind. A few minutes later, he returned carrying two small drums, a miniature harp, and a flute-like instrument.



Lecuaro looked at Nenalaamo, who then joined the trio by taking the drums. Lecuaro himself traded his lute for the flute, Rondolas grabbed the lyre, and the fourth member retained his lute. The Breton thought momentarily about what should be played. Then, he suddenly remembered a widely-known tribal-like, festive song he'd heard from a few Bosmeri legion members while stationed near the Cyrodiil-Valenwood border some years ago, "The Lights of Falinesti" it was called. Lecuaro whispered to the others, who all nodded in confirmation that they knew the song. With everything ready, Nenalaamo began the tempo beat with the drums and the rest joined in.

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