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Dar'krinji. Fort Floodgate, Blades Safehouse Entrance


Dar hadn't been looking long when he realized where they were. He walked down a few halls, twisting and turning, then came upon the entrance to the safehouse. He knocked loudly, hoping someone would open up.

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Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon - Fort Floodgate, Blades Safehouse Bunk Room




Lecuaro sat in silence as everyone told of their dreams. Everyone except Caius dreaming of the same person at the same time? And even though she wasn't actually in it, Azura was likely responsible for Caius's dream as well. He saw Velanya with her big puffy eyes and a shameful look as if embarrassed to be seen like this. Something's made her particularly shaken.



Lecuaro took a deep breath before speaking. "I saw Azura too. I was on this small island in the sky, and below me I could see what appeared to be the area around this fort with a massive battle raging in the distance. There was this huge landmass that was also floating, and a narrow walkway ran from the island to it. There was also this huge, demonic tower...looked straight out of Oblivion...I crossed the walkway and stumbled near the end as it crumbled. I fell, looked up and saw her. She stretched her hand out as if to help me across, but I fell before I could reach her. I managed to climb up the wall, but when I got up there I couldn't move. She was standing in front of me with an eerie smile...then I woke up."



Lecuaro was now wondering something else, but he didn't speak it. This isn't the first time I've dreamed about that tower......what's Azura doing to me?

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Velanya Therys, Fort Floodgate, Blades Safehouse Bunk Room


"In my dream, we were all there," Velanya replied, deciding to describe her own experience, "All of us...Dar and Kriak, too. But none of you moved. We were all facing a rising sun, standing side by side on a shoreline...and then the sky and sea turned red. I felt afraid...I don't know why. It was like the dawn was a bad thing...


"And then she appeared. She held to magnificent swords - one on fire, the other crackling with electricity. And...and there was a ring. A very small, shiny ring floated between us, with a crescent moon and a starburst on top. She just stood there, looking at us with a frightening smile..."


Suddenly, a distant knock came upon the safehouse door. Velanya took this opportunity to halt her description. In retelling the dream, she brought back a horrible feeling in the pit of her stomach. She swiftly moved towards the door, her hair falling forward to hide her face.


"Who goes there?" she commanded, letting her legion voice momentarily transform her into another person - a person who wasn't afraid of silly dreams.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Dar'krinji. Fort Floodgate, Blades Safehouse


After Dar had knocked, he heard a reply come from the other side. It sounded like the female dunmer, Valanya.


Dar called out, "It me, Dar'krinji. Open up this door, I've been looking for all of you."

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Adrynn Indarys, Fort Floodgate, Blades Safehouse Bunk Room


Adrynn stood up from Edward's side. He glanced at Lecuaro and Velanya. They both seemed to have the strongest dreams out of the group. He couldn't fathom what Azura would send to Caius, so he didn't think much on it.


"Azura told me to 'beware the servants of the dawn'. I have no idea what that is supposed to mean. Azura is the Queen of the Night Sky . . . Why would she fear the dawn? It's part of her realm," Adrynn asked into the room, half to himself and half to the others. He rested his chin in his hand and thought hard. Dusk and Dawn are Azura's realm . . . I still don't know why she would warn us to beware part of her realm. It makes no sense!


Adynn heard the knock at the door and Velanya stood ready to open it. Apparently Dar'krinji was on the other side. He glanced over to his cousin and nodded. "You might as well let him in. It's possible he had a dream from Azura as well."

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Velanya Therys, Fort Floodgate, Blades Safehouse


Velanya nodded to her cousin and opened the door. The slim khajiit Dar'krinjii slipped through the doorframe, and she shut it quickly behind him.


"Hello there, Dar. You look a little dazed, friend," she said as he passed her, "I think we all had a rough night."


As she followed him back into the room, she sat down on the edge of her bunk and watched Caius, the morning light outlining his now standing form. He looked thoroughly puzzled, and she wondered what dream he had, and how it was different from theirs.

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Kriak had come out of his room just before Adrynn mentioned what Azura had told him. The mention of Azura struck him. His dreams had been...fitfull to say the least. It began with memories of the Purge on Isla Krunus. The bodies flying everwhere, Moon-Eye fighting that strange winged elf and himself fighting that Orc-like creature. Screams had rent the night air during the massive struggle. Suddenly it had all disappeared in a flash and he was back in the Imperial City. Mehrunes Dagon was ravaging it as he would in just a few years (or was it? How soon was the crisis to come? He couldn't remember...) and he was met by five dragons. Kriak was confused by this as there was truelly only one dragon-that of Akatosh-that did battle with Dagon and defeated him. In his dream Dagon had turned to him and Kriak had drawn forth all 7 of his remaining soulgems and focused his energy for the most powerful spell he had ever concieved, much less performed. As the gems crumbled to dust and their energies were released he had suddenly found himself on a beach with the others. Azura had been before them wielding two swords of awesome might. This was all quite strange to Kriak, his dreams were usually vivid but they were of memories, of experiences, the Purge was an experience and the siege of the Imperial City a curroption of one but the beach...that was something new entirely and yet it had the same crispness to it as life itself had, this was strange. Very Strange.


Kriak caught Adrynn say "'beware the servents of Dawn'" and question why Azura would warn of this. Kriak was mildly confused as to why his rather astute friend didn't understand this clear reference. But then it clicked. He hadn't been to Cyrodiil before this day. Not in this realm at least. His realm's islands shifted irregularly and without reverence to time in other realms. Hell a civil war veteran had forged his shortsword while one of his former brethren was a master Chronomancer who managed to keep an AK-47 in perfect working order. The crisis occured soon after this time not before it. That was why Adrynn didn't understand.


"She means the cult of the Mythic Dawn." Kriak remarked as he leaned against a pillar, slightly apart from others. "The follow Mankar Cameron and they wan't to open the way to Oblivion and unleash Mehrunes Dagon upon Tamriel."

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Caius Cosades, Fort Floodgate, Blades Safehouse Bunk Room


Caius was surprised at Kriak's statement, but also heard truth in the woodsman's words.


"That...strangely fits my dream. I was in the Imperial City, and it was on fire...the sun was rising, and there was a giant, six-armed demon tearing down White Gold Tower. I assume this was Mehrunes Dagon. From out of the inferno sprang five flaming dragons....four were killed by the giant, but one managed to escape, flying about the giant's head in defiance...


"I don't really know what it means," Caius shook his head, "but I do know that I never want to see that event in reality. If we are to assume that these dreams are from Azura, then do we also assume that this Mythic Dawn is our enemy, not the Nerevarine? Or is he with this 'Mythic Dawn'?"

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Dar'krinji. Fort Floodgate, Blades Safehouse.


As he walked into the safehouse, Dar heard quite a buzz about Azura coming from everyone. Then he heard the imperial, Cassius or somthing, and Kriak speaking of the Mythic Dawn. He trudged over to them and sat down on the floor, cross legged, right next to them. Dar spoke up about somthing that he had heard quite some time ago,


"If my memory serves me correctly, I do believe I have some information on the Mythic Dawn. In my travels, I have seen many places, and on one occasion that brought me to the 'great' land of imperials. I wandered into a tavern one lonely night, and danced, sang, and drank like I had nothing else to do. When all the great fun was over, everyone went back to there own little realms throughout the tavern. The most interesting of these groups was a few imperial guards, who spoke of the death of the emperor. I went to them and asked to clarify this, and being quite drunk, they did so. One of them, even while slobbering all over himself, could still relay the message to me, and he said two words, 'Mythic Dawn'. Then he and the other guards promptly got up, and stumbled away. Of course Mr. Fancy-guard-man here probably knew that," Dar gazed, not unkindly, at Cassius, "but the others of you may have not. So what do you think?"

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Adrynn Indarys, Fort Floodgate Blades Safehouse Bunk Room


Adrynn glanced between Caius, Kriak, and Dar. Kriak's description of this "Mythic Dawn" started to fit in with what Azura had told him. Caius's dream still didn't make sense to him, but that didn't matter. Dar'krinji on the other hand made absolutely no sense. I think the Khajiit had been at the skooma a bit too much.


"Dar, the Emperor is still alive. It's rumored he's in failing health, but last I heard, he was still alive. Velanya can attest to that. And so can Cai-Cassius. So your legionnaire must have had a bit too much to drink that night," Adrynn said, glancing between the group. He couldn't believe he almost slipped up and called the Spymaster his true name. Dar and Edward were the only ones who didn't know who Caius truly was, though he was sure they would find out soon enough.


"Anyways, today is the day that we assault Kogor -" The sudden overpower sweet scent of roses filled his nose, and he stopped dead in his tracks. This cannot be! He glanced around slowly. Everyone had their eyes to his back. Praying that it wasn't exactly who he thought it was, he woodenly turned around.


"By the gods . . . " Adrynn whispered, falling to his knees in astonishment. There standing before him, was the one goddess who he both loved and feared the most, her bright blue dress wrapped snugly around her tall frame, her dark eyes taking in all around her.



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